Base Rule Field Description

Field Name Base Rule Field Description
Name A required field of 100 characters. Be descriptive and clearly state the purpose of this Rule.
Description Optional - Additional space of 254 characters to more fully describe the purpose of this rule. Use this field to avoid confusion between similar rules. Useful field for future reference when personnel who configured the rules are not available.
Condition This optional field determines if the rule is active (ON) or inactive (OFF). Enter a variable DyA and if it is True, the rule is active.
  For example, if a specialty is of PM is required, then turn the PM Rule ON. If the PM specialty is not required then turn the PM Rule OFF.
Base Rule Displays all Base Rules. The selected Base Rule displays fields and settings relevant to that Rule.
Arguments Area The Arguments area displays relevant setting for the selected rule. The settings displayed are dependent on the selected Rule. Possibilities include:
  • <No Argument Available> The selected Base Rule does not require a value. The Add button disables.
  • <Blank Argument> Available when selecting the People Filer Base Rule. The Add button enables.
  • <Arguments Display > available when the selected Rule requires one or more values to further define the Rule.
Fast Build Via Used to rapidly build the Roster by using limits to constrain and minimize the amount of data within scope. This option extends the performance enhancing Roster View option Fast Build via Limits in to the Rules for a significant performance increase for customers with enormous amounts of information. The difference in these settings is that the personnel to be tested by the rule will be limited to the hierarchical level selected along with any exceptions that exist for the personnel even if the exception occurs outside the selected area. For Example, if the Base Rule is set to focus on personnel at the Station level, use Fast Build Via Station to increase performance.

Performance is increased by excluding the consideration of any records outside of the Limit, therefore negating certain Roster behaviors. For example, Roster Count Alarms for levels outside the Limit will not be performed. Choices are:

  • <none> - used to NOT perform a Fast Build when the Base Rule calls for a Roster Build.
  • <Organization Hierarchy> select to perform a Fast Build at the organizational level selected when the Base Rule calls for a Roster Build.
Build Moment Required for <People Filter> and <Roster Condition> base rules only. Used to define the target date and time to build the Roster OR the target date of the active Profile or Assignment. Returns people that meet the filter by criteria in the base rule type. Most common DyA include START, TARGET, START-1minute, END+1minuteExamples:
  • START- builds the Roster at the Start of the vacancy. Used to return candidates who satisfy the criteria for the Start of the vacancy. For example, who is Off-Duty would be START, meaning return candidates who are not working at the start of the vacancy.
  • TARGET- builds the Roster at midnight to target the entire day. Used to return candidates who satisfy the criteria for the target day which starts at midnight. For example, exclude candidates who are sick. The person is sick the entire day not just the period in which they appear on the Roster.
  • START-1minute- builds the Roster based on the vacancy start minus one minute to return candidates outside the vacancy start time and used to qualify people from the previous shift or holdover. For example, who is on-duty one minute before the vacancy starts.
  • END+1minute- builds the Roster based on the vacancy end time plus one minute to return candidates outside the vacancy end time and used to qualify people from the oncoming shift. For example, who is on-duty one minute after the vacancy ends.
From Enables if the selected base rule requires a Dynamic Date. Using a Dynamic Date, this field defines the first date of a date range from which the Rule is to begin considering the Base Rule parameters.
Through Enables if the selected base rule requires a Dynamic Date. Using a Dynamic Date, this field defines the end date of the date range from which the Rule is to consider through when considering the Base Rule parameters.
Where This optional field is dependent on the Base Rule’s return value type and its purpose is to redefine the Base Rule’s test results. For example the rule may return candidates that have a vacation code in between a range of time and Where is set to = 2meaning only return those candidates that have two vacation codes or Where is set to >2meaning two or more.
  • If there is a value in this field, it must be a variable Dynamic Condition (DyC) of the same type as the Base Rule’s return value type. If the DyC is True, this field redefines the test and typically makes the test more selective; therefore, some people may "fail” the Rule’s test, even though they "passed” the Base Rule’s criteria (their return value was True or it matched the target value of the Base Rule).
  • If this field is blank, the default DyC tests the Base Rule’s return value for True (Boolean return values), NOT zero (number return values), and NOT NULL or blank (DateTime, Date, and string return values).
  • If this Rule is used to Sort people in a List Target or a List, then people that "failed” the more selective test of this Argument are sorted with the people that failed the Base Rule’s criteria, but their return value is displayed in the Candidates panel.
The ability to enter a Dynamic Argument is optionally available to add a Rule Condition.
Not those identified above Used to target the people opposite of those selected by the Base Rule and its Arguments. If this Rule is used to Sort people in a List target or a List, then this checked box changes the location of the people that fail the Rule’s test (their return value is False or it is blank because it did not match the target value of the Base Rule). People that fail the Rule’s test are preferred and either sort to the top using an ascending sort; or they are pushed behind the other candidates in a descending sort.
Pass Text This is an optional 40 character field used for an alphanumeric message that is displayed when the base rule returns TRUE. The message appears in the Rule Audits window when the rule is being used as a sort and its return value is Boolean. This text is displayed in the Rule Audits when the rule is applied to a Sort type category.
Unique Identifier The application Internal ID.