Base Rule Usage TAB Field Description

Field Name Base Rule ‘Usage’ TAB Field Description
List Displays the List(s) that use this rule. The list may use the directly or the rule may be embedded in the list target(s) used by the list.
List Target Displays the list target(s) that use this rule.
Type Displays how the rule is used. List Target and List have more information on rule usage. Choices are:
  • Qualified if - candidates are qualified if they meet the criteria defined by the rule, regardless of whether they are available or not. the Picklist displays all qualified candidates.
  • Unavailable if - candidates are qualified because they meet the criteria defined by the rule, but they are unavailable for any reason (example: they are already working, they are overworked, they are on a non-working status and so on).
  • Sort - qualified and available candidates are prioritized (sorted) based on the criteria defined by the rule.
Behavior Displays the rule behavior. Choices are:
  • And: the pers on must pass all of the rules to qualify, or to be unavailable.
  • Or: the person must pass at least one of the multiple rules to qualify if or unavailable if.
  • Not: the person cannot pass this rule to qualify if or unavailable if.
  • ASC: sorts the list of candidates in ascensing order.
  • DESC - sorts the list of candidates in descending order.

The List Target and List have more information on rule behavior.