Rules ‘List’ Field Description

List General Tab

Field Name General TAB > Execution Context Field Description
Name List description.
Execution Context This section indicates where the selected list is used:
  • Roster - select to use this List for filling vacancies
  • Work Codes - select to use this List for Dynamic Issue Type Rules.
  • Auction - select to use this List in Auctions
Field Name General TAB > Partial Assignment Field Description
Fill Unscheduled Times Allows people to partially fill within vacancy times using their unscheduled times. Selecting this check box enables the Ignore check box.

For example suppose the...

  • Vacancy runs from 12 PM - 5 PM
  • Person’s shift runs 9 AM -5 PM
  • Person is scheduled on a job from 9 AM - 1 PM; and unscheduled from 2 PM - 5 PM

Results: The person fills the 1 PM - 5 PM portion of the vacancy. A person cannot fill an overlapping time period and they can not fill a vacancy outside of the original vacancy times.


Does not apply to Fill By Rules via Scheduling Blueprints.

Ignore Ignore enables when the Fill Unscheduled check box is selected and targets work codes of type Working and Regular Duty. Ignore is used to indicate which of the following work code properties are either evaluated or ignored via Fill by Rules when returning candidates for the unscheduled portion of the vacancy:
  • But Still Available - select to ignore working codes with But Still Available applied via Fill By Rules.
  • Hidden - select to ignore working codes with Hidden applied via Fill By Rules.
  • Charge - select to ignore working codes with Charge applied via Fill By Rules.
  • No Roster Impact - select to ignore working codes with No Roster Impact applied via Fill By Rules.

The default behavior ignores working type codes that have any of the above properties selected. This means, if a person has a charge code that overlaps an unscheduled period of time as result of refusing an opportunity, that charge code will be ignored. These properties are typically used to add work codes for non-staffing scenarios and generally for personnel tracking purposes, or to add accrual hours where working codes are used to add time to a bank of hours and as such should not interfere with staffing. Ignore allows organizations to control the default behavior due to specific business rules.

Fill Signup Times Allows people to partially fill within vacancy times using signup times. Examples:

Suppose the...

  • vacancy runs from 12 PM - 5 PM
  • person signed up from 2 PM - 6 PM

Result: The person fills the 2pm-5pm portion of the vacancy. A person cannot fill a vacancy outside of the original vacancy times.


Does not apply to Fill By Rules via Scheduling Blueprints.

From and Through Conditionally sets specific From and Through vacancy times.

For example suppose the CONDITION...

  • is set to START in From
  • is set to START+4HOURS in Through

This means fill the person into the first four hours of the vacancy.


Does not apply to Fill By Rules via Scheduling Blueprints.

Field Name General TAB > List Target Field Description
List Target Area Determines the first of three passes available in a List. There must be at least one list target in the list to define the set of candidates. If there are multiple list targets in this area, their order is significant. The list targets are evaluated from the top down.
Condition Optional, The Conditions field defines when a list target enables in the list.
Rules Area This is where additional Rules are entered. This area will run the 2nd pass utilizing any added Unavailable if... Rules to further refine the group of candidates. The 3rd pass is made utilizing any Sort...Rules to order the remaining candidates.

If there are multiple rules within a List category, sort the rules with the highest processing value at the bottom of that category to lessen rule processing time.

Behavior: Rules are used in list targets and lists in different ways and their behavior depends on how the rule is used.

Qualifying Limit Static Count Optional, limits the maximum number of qualified candidates that are returned by the List.
Vacancy Count Targets vacancies displayed on a certain Roster view. Default is <none>. Select an option to limit the number of vacancies currently on the Roster for the target date.
Gray Number The application Internal ID.

List Advanced Tab

Field Name Rules ‘List’ Advanced TAB Field Description
Restrict Restricts access to this List when editing Roster records using the Edit feature. Only users with permission, Setup: Authority can select this List.
Fill Priority Determines vacancy fill order when staffing multiple vacancies on the Roster. The lower the value the higher the priority in the Call Queue. Important: Force List determination must be ON in Vacancy Strategy to use this value.
  A Fill Priority can be associated with a List, a Position, and a Vacancy Strategy.

The Fill Priority on a List has precedence, followed by the Position’s Fill Priority, and then the Vacancy Strategy’s Fill Priority.

Penalty Displays all Penalties or Refusals. Select a Penalty to apply a Penalty work code on the candidate’s calendar for non-acceptance (rejection or expiration) of an opportunity.
Logging Behavior Displays all Logging Behaviors. Use the Status column in the panel to designate whether or not the corresponding Logging Behavior is tracked and stored for future reference by the system for fairness criteria. Choices are:
  • <none> - Default. This list has no impact regarding this Logging Behavior. Special Day logging values could determine if the hours should be logged.
  • No - this List will not Log information, regardless of the Work Code or Special Day logging values.
  • Yes - this List will Log, unless the Work Code or Special Day logging values are set to No.

List Outbound Tab

Field Name Rules ‘List’ Outbound TAB Field Description
Allow Outbound Contacts candidates from this List using the application Outbound Module. Clear the check box to disable the Outbound feature for this List. When selected, fields Expires In and Reserve Forbecome required fields.

If this check box is cleared, this List returns candidates in red font in the Fill By Rules panel and the system halts at the first candidate returned by this List when staffing through the Contact Manager.

Automatically Assign Automatically assigns the first candidate from this List to the vacancy via Outbound. There is no option to reject the offer.


To contact the candidate the work code assigned by this List must have the setting Auto Notify if Appropriate property selected, and both Allow Outbound and Automatically Assign check box must be selected.

Important: When using the Task Manager ‘Auto-Assign’ task, both Allow Outbound and Automatically Assign check boxes must be selected to use auto-assign.

Automatically Assign if on duty Automatically assigns the suggested candidate if they are working during the time the offer is made; otherwise if the candidate is not working, they are called and ‘offered’ the vacant position.
Maximum Call Attempts Enter a value in the field provided to define the maximum number of call attempts to call each candidate within the Reserved time period.

The actual number of call attempts may be less, depending on whether the candidate responded on the 1st call attempt, or the time allotted to the Outbound Module elapsed.

Reserved for Enter a value in this field to define the amount of time (in minutes) that the vacancy will be reserved for each candidate before the Outbound Module calls the next candidate. This field is required when Allow Outbound is selected.

See help topic Expire and Reserve Time Examples for additional information.

  Example: Suppose the offer expires in two minutes, this means the clock starts when the Line Manager outbounds the call. If the person answers the call at 10 seconds and it takes 20 seconds to review the message, then the person has approximately one minute and thirty seconds remaining.
Expires In The specified amount of time before an offer that is not accepted or rejected expires for a candidate.This field is required when Allow Outbound is selected.
  • A positive number indicates that the offer expires in __ minutes from the moment the first offer was made.
  • A negative number indicates that the offer expires in __ minutes from the start time of the vacancy.

See help topic Expire and Reserve Time Examples for additional information.

Important: The Expire time needs to be greater than or equal to the Reserve time when using positive values; otherwise only one person will be called from the List. When a negative Expire and Reserve time is used, the opposite is true: Reserve values should be greater than Expire values.

‘Scorch the Earth’ Contacts the suggested candidates on this List until someone either accepts the offer or the time allotted to the Outbound Module to make the calls elapses. Each candidate receives one contact attempt. When selected, the Maximum Call Attempts field automatically sets to a value of 1 and the Reserved for __ minutes value sets to 0.02 - if these predefined values are changed, the Scorch the Earth check box is cleared.Contacts employees as quickly as possible.

Scorch the Earth is the quickest way to contact employees.

Leaving messages on answering machines is OK Leaves a message on an answering machine for the suggested candidate on this List. When selected the Outbound Module leaves the Request for Service message on an answering machine for the candidate on this List and logs the call as Answer Machine - when an answering machine is detected. If ‘unchecked’ and an answering machine is detected, the candidate is given some time to pickup and press 1; otherwise, the Outbound Module hangs up the phone and logs the call as No Answer.

Whether to leave a message is turned on in the Contact Manager, when to leave a message is determined at the List level in Rules in Setup.

Contact Methods Defines which contact methods are used by the application’s Outbound Module when contacting the suggested candidates on this List.
  • On Duty Contact - select to use the On Duty Contact method.
  • 1st Contact - select to use the 1st contact method.
  • 2nd Contact- select to use the 2nd contact method.
  • 3rd Contact- select to use the 3rd contact method.
  • 4th Contact- select to use the 4th contact method.
  • Email - select to prompt the application to look for and use an email type contact method.
  • Phone- select to prompt the application to look for and use a phone type contact method.

When choosing a mix of contact methods and types above, be sure the method maps to the corresponding contact. This means if you choose Email, and 1st Contact, be sure the first contact stores an email address.Choosing both restricts the application.