Rules ‘List Chain’ Field Descriptions

Field Name Rules ‘List Chain’ Field Description
Offer Again to Reserved Candidates Defines what to do when this List Chain fires a List with an Offer still reserved for a specific candidate. The reserved candidate is at the top of the Fill By Rules panel as a result of any List Chain for that Position.
  • Yes - select to contact the ‘reserved candidate’ again regardless of the previous contact attempt and unexpired reserved period. The Offer Date & Time update with the new contact. Outbound settings for the reserved candidate remain the same and the reserved candidate is offered again from the List for which they are currently reserved. This option is compatible with earlier versions of the application. The Outbound module resumes once the ‘reserved candidate’s’ time elapses, and that the time allotted to the Outbound Module has not expired.
  • No - select to not contact the ‘reserved candidate’ because the reserved period has not elapsed and the offer remains valid. With this option selected, the Outbound module halts at the ‘reserved candidate’ and they are first in line for the opportunity.
  • Exclude- the reserved offer is not taken into account. The reserved candidate keeps their current List’s reserve time. When the new List fires off the reserved candidate may or may not be at the top of this List.
Restrict Controls whether or not a List Chain is accessible when it’s execution condition mode is inactive on the Fill By Rules screen. This does not affect whether or not a list chain executes.
Note: Only a user with Setup: Rules permission granted can access a restricted list chain when it is inactive in Fill By Rules.
  EXAMPLE: Suppose the vacancy’s List Plan contains a default list chain labeled ‘Normal Staffing’ and this is configured to execute for every vacancy except the day of. The Override List Chain is labeled ‘Holdover Day-Of’, has the Restrict check box selected, and configured to execute (turn-on) the day-of. User, Tammy, does not have Setup: Rules granted. This means:
  • If Tammy staffs a vacancy in the future the Normal Staffing list chain executes. During this time-period the ‘Holdover Day-Of’ list chain is restricted, hidden, turned-off and inaccessible to Tammy.
  • If Tammy staffs the day-of, the ‘Holdover Day-Of’ list chain executes; simply put, turned on and therefore visible and accessible to Tammy in Fill By Rules at this moment in time.
Execution Context This section indicates where the selected List Chain could be used when the List Chain is turned-on (executes):
  • Roster - select to use this List Chain for filling vacancies on the Roster.
  • Work Codes - select to make this List Chain available when configuring a dynamic issue type rule. Selecting this check box will make this list chain accessible in the work code’s List Plan menu box in Setup > Codes.
  • Bidding -select to make this List Chain available in Bidding.
  • Scheduling - select to make this List Chain available for blueprints.1
  • Auction - select to use this List Chain in Auctions.

If a list chain will never be used in a work code dynamic issue, or Bidding, or Blueprints -then do not select that check box. Selecting a check box results in a process run and pointless processes may create unnecessary lags.

List Add Lists in the correct sequential order in the List Chain. The List at the top is evaluated first, and then sequentially each List is activated until the last List in the chain is reached. Lists are evaluated top to bottom in the List Area unless a condition exists that turns OFF a List.
Condition Determines if the List Target is active (ON).
Merge and Sort with Previous List Select to combine the results of two or more Lists into one list. This allows the returned values for all the Lists to be sorted equally as though they came from one list. Important: All Lists used in the merging process must use Sort Rules in the exact order, this means if your sort is Ascending then all merged lists must be sorted in ascending order.
  Use Case: Allows two separate groups of people with distinct rules and possibly different pay work codes to have an equal opportunity for obtaining extra work.
  Example: List 1 may apply the Overtime work code if one of the suggested candidates on List 1 accepts the offer, whereas List 2 may apply a Straight Pay work code if one of the suggested candidates on List 2 accepts the offer.
  Note: Merged lists must sort in the same direction, all ascending or all descending. However, when a mix exists in merged lists the application as of v6.6.1.3 now returns a predictable outcome. Ascending followed by descending is the determinant sort order when opposing sort directions exist in a merged list.Prior to v6.6.1.3 mixed sort directions in merged lists resulted in inconsistent and indeterminate Fill By Rules sorting.
1 Available as of version 6.1.