About the List

A List contains one or more List Targets and Rules. A List defines a step in the staffing process and returns an ordered set of qualified and available candidates.

The ability to qualify, disqualify, and sort candidates is also available in the List. Disqualifying and Sorting rules are most likely to take place at the List level because the final filtering of candidates is completed at this level.

Lists do the following:

  1. Determines the pool of qualified candidates based on the List Target attached.

  2. Filters the List Target’s pool of candidates to further remove unavailable candidates.

  3. Prioritizes the qualified and available candidates.

  4. Logs opportunities

  5. Logs refusals or penalties

  6. Contains outbound settings

  7. Determines whether opportunities sent to people are offers or assignments.

Rule of Thumb:

For optimal database performance, use List Targets to create a pool of candidates and use Lists to disqualify and then sort from that smaller pool of candidates. Rules used to disqualify candidates, such as fatigue or overworked type rules take longer processing times and best to run against a smaller group of candidates.