Staffing Process Configuration Overview

The Rules area consists of five tiers. Each tier is the building block for the next tier. The five tiers identified below describe the staffing process in order of configuration.

  1. The Rule area is used to create business rules that apply to the organization’s staffing process. Rules are used to qualify, disqualify, or sort personnel.
  2. The List Target area is used to identify a super set of candidates using Rules.
  3. The List area is used to produce an ordered set of candidates using List Targets as qualifiers. Additional rules are used in the List to disqualify and sort candidates. Outbound and Logging behaviors are also configured at the List level.
  4. The List Chain area is used to produce an ordered sequence of Lists that represent the steps taken by an organization to fill a vacancy. A List represents a step in the staffing process within a List Chain.
  5. The List Plan area is used to produce the entire hiring strategy for a position. Timing dependencies for each List Chain in relation to the date and time of the vacancy are set in the List Plan. The List Plan enables the appropriate List Chain based on the target date and time of the vacancy.

For organizations that utilize Institution Focus, all rules will query only those candidates currently Scheduled Into the target Institution; no exceptions.