Profile Field Descriptions

  • An active Profile appears in a Green background.
  • An inactive Profile appears in a Gray background.
  • *Denotes a required field
  • Important: Customers using Dimensions, Field names in bold denote Dimensions integration write rights. These fields must be managed in Dimensions.
Field Name Profile Field Description
Profile Status Whether the selected profile’s status is active or inactive.
Apply Filters Limits the list of profiles returned.
Add Creates a new Profile.
Clone Duplicates the selected profile including all of the data set. The plus sign symbol denotes a cloned profile when using the clone feature in the Profiles area. Clone via imports does not show the plus sign.
Delete Deletes a profile.
Audit Audits activity in the Profiles area.
Options Options are:
  • Show Disabled - returns disabled profiles if any.
  • Modify Order -modifies the order of the listed profiles. Double ended arrows appear when activated. Click the arrow to enable the move function, then drag the selected item in the desired order.
  • Move to top - movse the selected profile to the top of the list in one-click.
  • Move to bottom - moves the selected profile to the bottom of the list in one-click.
From When a date is entered in this field, then the Person's Profile record is active on this date. Format: mm/dd/yyyy
Through When a date is entered in this field, then the Person's Profile record is active through this date. Format: mm/dd/yyyy
Condition The Condition field uses a Dynamic Condition to determine when a Person's Profile is active.The first Profile (evaluated top to bottom) in the window with a TRUE Condition (or No Condition) is the Active Profile and the icon is green in the Profiles window. This field is optional, but if there are multiple Profiles, it should be used; otherwise, the first Profile will always be the Active Profile.
Job Title/Rank All Ranks (job titles) are displayed in the drop-down list. Select a Rank to assign it to the current Profile.

For Customers using Dimensions, a Primary Job is associated with the portion of Dimensions Business Structure that relates to the organization structure in this application.

The job portion of the Primary Job represents the employee's Job Title (Rank) in this application.

When imported into this application, the Primary Job creates the employee's profile and populates the profile's Job Title, Fromdate, and when supplied the Through date. Primary job also establishes an employee's home institution, located in the General tab.

When the schedule information is pushed from this application to Dimensions, Dimensions compares an employee's schedule data to their Primary Job to determine if they are working in a position other than their normal assignment and if so, determine if they will receive a change in pay during this timeframe.

Additionally, the Dimensions Person Export creates new people in this application, including profiles in the initial run which may include historical data for preexisting employees in this application that includes multiple primary job changes, when this is the case - all profiles will be imported into this application as is in Dimensions.

Rank Level This optional field holds Max one character and can be used to designate a Rank Level. Enter a value that designates this Person's Rank Level.
Skill This field allows for a distinction between People of the same rank. Enter a value that designates this Person's Skill within their Rank. This is an optional field that can hold Max seven digits including decimal point.

This a Skill level for the rank or job title - not skill as in Specialty type Skills.

Can Act As Displays all of the job titles (ranks) configured. Select none, one, or multiple ranks if any that the selected person can perform:

Customers using Dimensions, must manually configure Can Act As. However, because Dimensions manages pay, and acting in a different job title could include a change in pay, be sure that Dimensions has the same can act as information. In Dimensions these are known as Triggers found in an employee’s Adjustment Rules.

Can Act As Skill This field allows for a distinction between People of the same rank. Enter a value that designates this Person's Skill while Acting in the Rank selected in the table. This is an optional field that can hold Max seven characters.
Can Act As Authority Override All Authorities are displayed in the drop-down list. Select the Person's Authority Level when they are acting in the Rank selected in the table. This Authority overrides the Person's Base Authority and Rank Authority. Select <none> to give the Person the default Rank Authority for this Can Act As Rank.
Specialty Displays all of the Specialties configured. Select none, one, or multiple Specialties in the table that this Person has. Choices are: No- indicates the selected person does not have the selected specialty. Yes - indicates the selected person has the corresponding specialty and may be prevented from trading time with someone who does not have the same specialty. Yes, but not in Assignment- indicates the person has the specialty; but the selected specialty for this person does not affect shift trades; this person may trade with someone who does not have the selected specialty. When the Yes, but not in Assignment option is set, an asterisk displays next to that specialty in the People and the Roster area. For example, suppose Charles has specialty Y and specialty Z, Y is set to Yes, and Z is set to Yes, but not in Assignment, this means that in People the specialties next to the person’s name will show like this (Y,*Z)

In application version 6.7, skills and certifications were added to specialties. While specialties of type Specialty remain in the person > Profile area with no change in functionality; skills and certifications were placed at the person level, essentially detached from the profile and eliminates the need to manage separate profiles for changes to an individual’s specialty.

Specialty Skill Used to indicate a value for the selected skill and typically used as a tie breaker amongst specialties with a skill value association or proficiency level. This is an optional field. Limit: Max seven characters.

In application version 6.7, Skills are available at the person level in person > Skills and Certification. See note in Specialty above.

Specialty Expiration Used to indicate an expiration date for the selected Specialty. This is an optional field. Format: mm/dd/yyyy

In application version 6.7, Certifications are available at the person level in person > Skills and Certifications. See note in Specialty above.

Group Displays all of the Groups configured. Select none, one, or multiple Groups in the table that his Person belongs to.
Group Skill Used to indicate a value for the selected Group; similar to a proficiency level. This is an optional field. Limit: Max seven digits including decimal point.
Promoted Used to indicate the promotion date associated with the selected rank or job title in this profile. The Promotion date is often used in rules as tie breaker amongst candidate when filling vacancies or in Bidding. This is an optional field. Format: mm/dd/yyyy
Opportunity # This field is used to define an employee’s seniority within a team, department or organization. It is typically used as a tie breaker for staffing purposes when the date of hire does not fully meet the staffing criteria.

Customers using Dimensions use the Seniority # in Dimensions the system of record for Seniority # (Opportunity #). To locate go to Maintenance > People Information > select Person > Scheduling > select the name of this application > Seniority #.

Pay Group Displays all of the Pay Groups configured. Select a Pay Group to define the pay cycle, pay dates, and FLSA cycles for this Profile; otherwise, select <none>.
$/hr This optional field displays the Person's hourly wage. Use of this field is dependent on the organization's Human Resources policy and local, state, and federal regulations. Enter a pay rate (with Max four decimal places), if applicable, and only if this information is needed for reports or to export to a payroll system.

Customers using Dimensions control wage in Dimensions and when synchronized available in person > Wage tab.

Authority Override All Authorities are displayed in the drop-down list. Select the Person's Authority Level when this Profile is active. This Authority overrides the Person's Base Authority. Select <none> to give the Person the standard Rank Authority for this Rank.
Location If proximity is a staffing requirement, use this field to indicate the location within the proximity matrix for this Person.
Special Date This is a generic date field that can be used for staffing purposes. Typically, the Person’s Date of Hire is entered into this field (if seniority is a staffing requirement). This is an optional field that is formatted as a date (mm/dd/yyyy).
Drivers License Used to indicate the person’s Driver's License number. This is an optional field. Limit: Max 40 characters.

Customers using Dimensions manage license details in Dimensions Skills and Certs and when synchronized populates the person > Skills& Certs tab.

License Class Used to indicate the Driver's License class code. This is an optional field. Limit: Max 1 character.
License Expiration Used to indicate the Expiration date for the Driver's License. This is an optional field. Format: mm/dd/yyyy
Alpha String This optional field displays the Person’s name or any alphanumeric data to Sort By in staffing Lists or use in a Formula ID. For example, rather than show the person by Last Name First Name on the Roster, you can use a Formula ID that targets this field to show the person by First Name Last Name. It is an alternate field to place information that Formula IDs and Rules can target.
External ID Holds a unique ID that represents the person's profile. This field is primarily used to uniquely identify a profile for importing and updating.
Formula ID Displays all of the person type Formula IDs configured. This Formula ID displays in People, Advanced Calendar, and Custom Roster View area. This information can be used to provide more information about the person or it can be used for sorting people. It can also be passed through the Gateway Manager, as necessary, to other applications. The choices are: <none> - no Formula ID will be attached to this Profile or a list of all the Formula IDs defined for a Person.
Log As The choices in the drop-down list are: <none> - Do not log any work code activity for the selected person. <self> - log work code activity for the selected Profile. <customer defined profiles> - displays all other Profiles for this Person.

See Transferring Logged Hours topic for additional information.

Preferred Region Displays all of the Regions configured. Select a Region to designate the Person's preferred Region when assigned/offered additional work; otherwise, select <none>.
Preferred Station Displays all of the Stations configured. Select a Station to designate the Person's preferred Station when assigned/offered additional work; otherwise, select <none>.
Preferred Signup Shift Group Displays all of the Shift Groups configured. Select a Shift Group. Max designate the Person's preferred shift group for signing up for work; otherwise, select <none>. Selecting a shift group will set default From and Through values in the Add work code screen when the person initiates time requests on a non-scheduled day.
Preferred Calendar Shift Group Displays all of the Shift Groups configured. Select a Shift Group to show these shifts on the person’s personal calendar, or select <none> to display only their assigned shift. Most commonly used for shift trades to view other shifts on the personal Calendar.
Unique Identifier An internal system number.