Dimensions Sources

General Tab

Fields for this application... WFDS People Information WFDS Primary Job WFDS Cross Reference Table TeleStaff | Planner Licensed Enabled Data
Name X      
Address X      
Contact Information X      
Birthdate X      
Gender X      
Race X      
From and Through Dates X      
Employee ID X      
Payroll ID X      
Badge ID       X
User ID (Login Name) X      
External ID X      
Base Authority     X  
Login Policy     X  
Employee Status (Active/Inactive)       X
Home Institution   X    

Profile Tab

Fields for this application... WFDS People Information WFDS Primary Job WFDS Cross Reference Table TeleStaff | Planner Licensed Enabled Data
Job Title   X    
From and Through Dates   X    
External ID   X    
Promotion Date   X    
Special Date (Hire Date) X      
Formula ID     X  
Location ID     X  
Pay Info ID     X  
Signup Shift Group     X  
Calendar Shift Group     X  
Log As     X  
Opportunity # (Seniority #)       X

Skills & Certifications

Fields for this application... WFDS People Information WFDS Primary Job WFDS Cross Reference Table TeleStaff | Planner Licensed Enabled Data
Skill X      
Skill Proficiency Level X      
Skill Effective Date X      
Certification X      
Certification Number X      
Certification Proficiency Level X      
Certification Effective Date X      
Certification Expiration Date X      

Wage Tab

Fields for this application... WFDS People Information WFDS Primary Job WFDS Cross Reference Table TeleStaff | Planner Licensed Enabled Data
Base Wage X      
Effective Date X      
Expiration Date X