Person Wage Tab

The Wage tab tracks and displays employee wage rates.1 In previous application versions, the Wage field displayed in the person > Profile tab.

Security permission settings in Setup control the ability to view and or manage wages.

Customers using Dimensions integration must manage wages in Dimensions which is the system of record for wage information. All recorded historical wage rate data is sent to this application (including expired wage rates).Should the user have manage wage rights in this application, any edited inputs will be overwritten by inputs in Dimensions when synchronization occurs. Wage information is found on the Timekeeper section in Dimensions. The wage Effective Date from Dimensions populates the Effective Date field in this application. Additionally, any changes to wages received from Dimensions thereafter, uses the new wage effective date to do the following:


The Dimensions People API supports only the current and future base wage transactions for a person record. For ongoing exports, while the Dimensions data will only include current and future base wages, the export process cannot overwrite existing wage history in this application.

1 Available as of application version 7.0.