Manage Preferences

Access to this area requires the user to be granted the authority permission Preferences: Manage.

The Manage Preferences area is used to manage people preference profiles. Authorized users can add, modify, delete preference profiles for their group of employees. However, to reconfigure the behavior and the fields the user interface shows must be done in Setup > Preferences.

Only one preference profile can be attached to a person. Filters allow you to quickly see who has an active preference profile and who does not. People that do not have any active preferences for the selected preference display a red alarm next to their name.

To access the person’s preference profile click the person’s name on the list and the preference will draw on the right pane.

The Manage Preference window contains the following features from top left:

Note Alarm Behavior
People without a preference profile set, or an expired preference set show the icon that looks like a red alarm next to their name. This includes gaps in time, so if one preference ends on April 28, 2017 and a second preference starts on April 30, 2017, the red bell would show next to the person’s name on April 29, 2017.

Related Topics: Setting My Preferences, and Set Person Preference Profile