Add Extra-Duty Event Series

To add an Extra Duty Event series:

  1. Click +Add.
  2. Enter an event name, and an event abbreviation for this event.
  3. Search and choose the Employing Company. Enter the percent sign% in the search field to return a list of all employing companies.
  4. Enter the Start Date and the End Date to define the duration of each event occurrence in a series. Enter the date (MM/DD/YYYY), or click the calendar icon to choose a date.
  5. Click Create Series. Configure the desired series pattern.
  6. Click Save in the Details tab to create the series.
  7. Configure the remaining optional fields as desired. Field input applies to all of the events selected in the series panel.
  8. Click Save to confirm your Details tab settings, and enable the Units tab.
  9. Click +Add to open the Add Unit dialog box, and attach units and details to the event.
  10. Click Save to confirm your Units tab setting. Event units display in the Units tab where you can further modify each Unit.

Series Pattern Example 1

IMPORTANT: When creating a series the Start and End date fields define the event duration. The Series Pattern dialog box defines when the event starts. When creating a single event, the Start and End defines when the event starts, ends, and the duration

Suppose the event runs every week on Saturday and Sunday, starting the first week in March 2021 and through the last Sunday in April 2021.

Fill the required fields in the Event Detailed screen, and use the Start Date and End Date field to define the duration of each event occurrence. In this case, one event contains two occurrences (Saturday and Sunday).

  1. The Start Date and Start End define the Event Duration. This is the date range that returns the two target days. Example: 02/27/2021 - 02/28/2021 returns a Saturday and a Sunday. The event runs from Saturday through Sunday.

    The event duration is two days, technically any two consecutive days on the calendar can be selected to return the event duration of two days. However, to facilitate this task select Saturday and Sunday.

  2. Click Save. The event duration of two days has been defined. Each event runs for two days.
  3. Click Create Series.
  4. In Series Pattern define the start date for all occurrences. This pattern defines the number of events and when they start:
    • Enter 1 in every, and select Weeks.
    • In Days of week, deselect Su Mo Tu We Th Fr. Select Sa (Saturday).
    • In Start Date define the start date for all occurrences. Ex: 03/06/2021
    • In Ends On define the end date for all occurrences. EX: 04/25/2021
  5. Click Save to create the pattern.
  6. Click Save again to save the Event Series.

Series Pattern Example 2

Suppose you have a musical festival event, the festival is the event. The festival runs once a month, every month on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Starting on the first Friday of the month until the end of the year. The event starts on March 5th, 2021.

Fill the required fields in the Event Detailed screen, and use the Start Date and End Date field to define the event duration of each event occurrence. In this case, one event contains three occurrences (Friday, Saturday and Sunday).

  1. The Start Date and Start End define the Event Duration, or "how long is the span of days for each event occurrence in a series". This is the date range that returns the three target days. Example: 03/01/2021 - 03/03/2021 returns Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.
  2. Click Save. The event duration of three days has been defined, and each event occurrence runs for three days.
  3. Click Create Series to define the "when".
  4. In Series Pattern define the start date for all occurrences. This pattern defines the number of events and when they start:
    • Enter 1 in every, and select Months.
    • Select By week count and date.
    • Select first in Week.
    • Select Friday in Day.
    • In Start Date define the start date for all occurrences. Enter: 03/05/2021.

      In Start Date, suppose you selected 03/06/2021, then the event would start the first Friday in April.Suppose you selected 04/03/2021, then the event would start the first Friday in May!

    • In Ends On define the end date for all occurrences. Enter: 12/03/2021
      Note: In End Date, choose a date that returns the event on the first Friday of the month. For example, if you selected Thursday, 12/02/2021 then the first Friday of the month in December is excluded, and does not return.
  5. Click Save to create the pattern.
  6. Click Save again to save the Event Series.

Series output: 10 Events, March through December. This means 10 event occurrences in a series. Each event runs for three days.