Extra Duty Event List Field Descriptions

Event List Columns

Field Name Field Description
Employing Company Name The name of the employing company (vendor).
Event Name The name of the event.

These even icons indicate whether the event is part of a series:

  • The rotating arrow icon indicates the event is part of series.
  • The locks icon indicate the event series cannot be updated

When an event in a series is updated the event is no longer available for future updates in a series transaction.

Start The start date of the event or the start date of a series of events.
End The end date of the event or the last date of an event in a series.
Vacancies The total number of vacancies in the event. Total includes partially filled vacancies.
Published Status Indicates whether the status of the event is Published or Unpublished.
Ready for Invoice Indicates whether the event is marked Ready for Invoice. Format: Yes/No
Invoice Export Status Indicates whether the event has been invoiced. Status: Not Invoiced, Invoiced
Paid Status Indicates the paid status of the event. Status: Not Paid, Partially Paid, Paid

Extra Duty Event List Page Actions

Field Name Field Description
Add Creates a new event.
Edit Updates an event, event series, or event occurrence.
Clone Clones an event, event series, or event occurrence. Max: 10
Remove Removes an event, event series, or an event occurrence.
Audit Audit trail for an event or an event occurrence.
Publish Enables when an unpublished event is selected. Publishes an event, an event series, an event occurrence.
Add/Edit Filters Displays Filter modal. The filter menu displays the user’s personal and public filters,
Set Target Date Range Filters events where the event start date falls within the defined date range. Default: TODAY+2 WEEKS. Enables when a filter is selected.
Search Search field to limit and locate extra duty events.