Add/Edit Filter Field Descriptions

* The asterisk next to the field name denotes a required field.

Field Name Template Filter Field Description
Select Filter Displays a list of filters, including the option to <Add New Filter>. When multiple filters exist the selected filter persists until the user’s logs out.
*Filter Name The name of the selected filter. Names are best displayed when concise, and meaningful.
Available to All Users Select this box to allow other users to access this Filter.
Default filter Used to allow authorized users to set their filter of choice as their default filter when accessing the Extra Duty Event screen. The default filter displays upon login.
Date Selection Filters events within the defined date range. Filter dates are optional, if blank the base page Date Picker defaults to TODAY+2WEEKS. Date options are:
  • Calendar Dates- limits the view by the selected dates.
  • Dynamic Dates - limits the view using a calculated start/end date as the filter range.

When blank, DyD defaults to a two weeks range, unless a filter date is defined in From and Through. If one is defined it is two weeks after the From, or two weeks before the Through. If neither is defined, the From is Today and two weeks from today.

+Add (Filters) Additional filters to limit by specific event attributes. Default <Non Selected> returns all. Filters tab includes:
  • Publish Status
  • Vacancies
  • Employing Company
  • Rank (Job)
  • Job Specialty
Apply Used to apply a filter for preview in this instance.
Save Used to save filter limits and sort selections.
Cancel Used to leave the Template Filter without applying or saving any settings.
Delete Used to remove the Template Filter.