Add/Edit Event Field Descriptions

Field Name Field Description
Create Series Creates a series of events.
Modify Event Modifies an event in a series. Once modified, the event is locked and will not take updates from the series. Appears for series events only.
Return to List Navigates to the Event List view.
Series Panel Opens and closes the series panel. Series events display along with a date picker to filter series events. Appears in Edit series mode.
Edit Series Range Used to shorten the length of an event series. Appears in Edit series mode. Edits Ends after or Ends on field.

Details Tab

* * * The asterisk next to the field name denotes a required field.

Field Name Field Description
Name* The name of the event. Must be unique per Employing Company. Max:50 Characters
Abbreviation* A unique abbreviation for the event. Max:10 Characters
Start Date* The start date and the duration of the event. Defines the number of days for this event in the Unit tab. Appears for non-series events. Disabled if the event is published.

When creating an event series, the start date defines the start date of each and all events in a series. For example, if your duration spans two days, the event’s start and end must encompass the two days desired for each event occurrence in a series.

End Date* The end date and duration of the event. Defines the number of days in the Unit tab. Appears for non-series events. Disabled if the event is published.

When creating an event series, the end date defines the end date of each and all events in a series. For example, if your duration spans two days, the event’s start and end must encompass the two days desired for each event occurrence in a series.

Published When selected, a Published event is made visible on the Roster, Dashboard or Calendar. Once the event is published the Unit and Position properties cannot be modifield.
Employing Company* The company or vendor that has extra-duty events and jobs. Must be unique.

Communications Panel

Field Name Extra Units Field Description
Location Where the event will take place. For example, city and state. Requires extra-duty event authority to view.Max: 500 Characters

This field is viewable by any person who can view the event, if the location should be visible to only employees working the event, then use the Detailed Location field in the Event Employees Pane.

Description Event details viewable by employees when Published. Requires an extra-duty event authority to view.
Vacancy Flags Defines whether the positions on the event are visible on the Dashboard, and Calendar, and whether to enable sign-up or self fill features. Global vacancy flags for the event. If an event contains multiple Units, and different vacancy flags are desired for a specific Unit, set the vacancy flag at the Unit level for that Unit.
Notification Group Indicates the group of people that will be notified when an employee vacates a job.
Contact Methods Defines the contact methods and types to use for contacting employees.
  • On Duty Contact - targets the On Duty Contact for outbound. If found, then this contact method is used to contact the employee.
  • First Contact - targets the First Contact for outbound. If found, then this contact method is used to contact the employee.
  • Second Contact - targets the Second Contact for outbound. If found, then this contact method is used to contact the employee.
  • Third Contact - targets the Third Contact for outbound. If found, then this contact method is used to contact the employee.
  • Fourth Contact- targets the Fourth Contact for outbound. If found, then this contact method is used to contact the employee.
  • Email- targets an email address in Contact Methods for outbound. If a match is found, then this contact method is used to contact the employee.
  • Phone - targets a Phone in contact methods for outbound. If a match is found, then this contact method is used to contact the employee
  • SMS - targets SMS in contact methods for outbound. If a match is found, then this contact method is used to contact the employee

Administration Panel

Field Name Extra Units Field Description
Account The Account Code for the event. Visible on the unit when published. The Unit Account Code when present overrides an Account Code in EDE Detail tab.
External ID An external application identifier for the event. Max: 50 Characters
Event ID A unique identifier for the extra duty event from the Employing Company. Max: 50 Characters
Invoice Export Status Displays whether the invoice for the event has been exported. Upon export the status changes to Invoiced. Statuses include: Invoiced, Not Invoiced. System derived state.
Invoice Export Status Displays date and time stamp of the last Invoice Export task run. Field appears after task run success.
Ready for Invoice Export When selected, the event is ready for the Task Manager to pick up the event using the Extra Duty Events Invoice Export task. The task exports a data feed to send to an invoicing external application. Successful task run clears the Ready for Invoice check box.

Check box enables for Published events.

Note: A work code must have the property Include in Invoice Export selected in Setup to be fetched by the Extra Duty Events Invoice Export task.
Paid Status Displays whether scheduled hours have been paid by the Employing Company. Values:Paid, Not Paid, Partially Paid

Event Employees Only Pane

Field Name Extra Units Field Description
Employing Company Contact Name The point of contact person for the event. Visible to employees scheduled to work the event. Max: 50 Characters
Employing Company Contact Phone The contact number for the Employing Company. Visible to employees scheduled to work the event. Max: 50 Characters
Detailed Descriptions Text box for event notes. Displayed when published, and visible to employees scheduled to work the event.
Detailed Location Location details. Displayed when published, and visible to employees scheduled to work the event. If the event location can be viewed by any employee who can view events, then use the Location field in the Communication panel. Max: 500 Characters

Attachments Pane

Field Name Field Description
Add The plus sign icon adds an event URL.
Delete The trash can icon deletes the Event URL.
Event URL Stores an event URL for reference. Provided by the Employing Company. Max: 500 Characters
Display Text Names a URL address to something more meaningful. Max:255 Characters

Examples: Event Map, Park Map, Stadium Map,

View Permissions Attachment visibility levels include:
  • Anyone in Event institution
  • Only Event Authority
  • Only Scheduled in Event or has Event Authority

Units Tab

Field Name Field Description
Add Opens the Add Unit dialog box to attach a Unit and other details to the event.
Edit Opens the Edit Unit dialog to update event details.
Clone Clones the selected Units.
  • Removes a Unit from the event.
  • Removes a position from the Unit on the event. EDE positions must be managed in EDE. Remove positions in the EDE page to persist changes to the Roster. Removing positions on the Roster do not persist to the EDE page.

Add Unit Dialog Box

Field Name Field Description
Date* The date of the event. The start and end date supplied in the Details tab auto-populates the range in the list of menu date options.
Shift* The shift for the event.
Unit* The Unit of the event. Choices are Units and {e} Units.
Overriding Unit Name An overriding name field for the Unit attached to this event.
Account The Account code for this Unit.
Vacancy Flags Defines vacancy flags for this Unit.
Rank (Job) Defines ranks for this Unit. Selectable option dependent on Unit type. For example, if you select a Unit that contains two positions in setup, the menu box returns the positions as defined in Setup. You can choose to keep all or remove some. However, if the event is an {e} unit, the positions are specified during deploy and the menu displays No records exist.
Add Another Keeps the Add Unit dialog box open to add another Unit and details to the event.
Save Saves and appends the Unit details to the event.
Cancel Cancels entries and closes the Add/Edit Unit dialog box.

Event Units Deployed Via Add

After Units are added to an event, the Unit tab displays additional fields and features.
Field Name Field Description
Unit* Displays the Unit selected in the Add Unit dialog box. The menu box allows users to change the Unit. When you change a Unit the positions attached to the Unit in Setup are removed, and replaced by the new Unit’s positions as is in Setup. This means if you select an {e} Unit, no positions display.
Overriding Name A text box to add a new Unit name, or to edit the overriding name for this Unit to something more meaningful.

For example, suppose the event name is "Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox". The event contains three Units, each with two patrol positions.

Suppose the Unit name in setup is "Yankee Stadium Park Lots" with two preset positions. When this Unit is attached to an EDE event, the unit name reads: Yankee Stadium Park Lots

Using the Overriding Name field allows you to rename the Unit to Lot A, Lot B, and Lot C for this event instance, and more meaningful to the employee working the "Yankees vs Boston Red Sox" event.

Account A text box to add an Account Code, or edit an Account Code.
Vacancy Flags Defines vacancy flags for the Unit. Vacancy Flags set in the Detail tab of the event are global and applicable to all Units in the Event. Vacancy flags set at the Unit level are for this instance.
Positions Displays the positions (jobs) for this event. A position (job) displayed in bold font denotes a position attached to the Unit via Setup. A position displayed in regular font are positions added to the Unit via the Add New Positions function in the Extra Duty Events Units tab.
Add New Position Adds a new position (job) to any unit. Displays in regular font, and keeps with any Unit selected until manually deleted.
Add Unit Position Edits the positions (jobs) of the selected Unit. This means if the Unit has positions (jobs) attached in Setup, then only these positions display as options. If the Unit is an {e} unit, this function is unavailable,
Add The plus sign icon quickly adds another Unit for the same date and shift.
Delete The trash can icon removes the selected Unit.
Save Saves and appends the Unit details to the event.
Cancel Cancels entries and closes the Add/Edit Unit dialog box.