Dynamic Issue Examples

# Dynamic Issue Description Dynamic Issue Setup and Syntax Example
1 Requires Supervisor Approval Type: Condition> Test Condition: TRUE> Select Convert to a Request if Denied.
2 No more than 5 Engineers can take vacation on the same Shift Type: Concurrent> From:START Through: END> Option: Count all minimum ranks in shift > Issue if Over:5. Clear Target Person check box > Select Engineer Rank. Be sure the selected Rank has Count in Minimum selected in Setup > General > Rank.
3 Employees can take only 8 Union leaves each calendar year Type: Count Occurrences> From:01/01/####Through:12/31/####> Issue if Over:8.

Select Target Person only check box if each employee can take 8 Union leaves or clear the check box if 8 union leaves applies across a group of people.

4 Exceeded Family Leave maximum hours of 100 allowed Type: Sum Hours> From:01/01/####Through: 12/31/####> Issue if Over: 100
5 Request must be more than 3 business days in the future. Type: Condition > Test Condition: [[TODAY=SUNDAY | TODAY=MONDAY | TODAY=TUESDAY] & WITHIN(3days)] | [[TODAY=WEDNESDAY | TODAY=THURSDAY | TODAY=FRIDAY] & WITHIN(5days)] | [TODAY=SATURDAY & WITHIN(4days)]
6 Cannot trade; already owe another employee 40 hours of shift trade time Type: Sum Paybacks> Issue if Over: 40
7 You can only take sick leave within 7 days of today Type: Condition> Test Condition: <>WITHIN(7days)
8 Cannot take Vacation if this request drops the shift below minimum staffing levels Prerequisite: Requires Roster Count Alarm Unique Identifier and ensure Positions are not suppressed.

Type: My Vacancy Condition > Condition: ROSTERCOUNTALARM (Insert Gray #)> Select Force Vacancy Creation check box.

9 I cannot take leave if nobody is signed up on the overtime list to fill my spot Prerequisite: List Plan

Type: My Vacancy Rules > List Plan: Select the desired List Plan > Issue if Over: 1000or Under: 0

10 Note field requires alpha numeric data Type: Regular Expression> Select NOT as follows> Pattern: [a-z] | [0-9]> Select Ignore Case> Target: Note
11 Account field requires a Budget code where the first entry is a letter from A-F followed by 5 digits Type: Regular Expression> Select NOT as follows> Pattern: [A-F]\d{5}> Target: Account
12 Cannot submit Vacation 12 months in the future Type: Condition> Test Condition: TARGET>TODAY+12MONTHS
13 Exceeded the maximum of 40 hours of Union Leave allowed per year Type: Sum Hours > From: 01/01/#### Through: 12/31/#### > Issue if over: 40 > Select Target Person only if each person gets 40 hours, or uncheck Target Person if the 40 hours applies across a group of people.
14 Exceeded shift minimum only 4 people are allowed off per Shift using Vacation and Personal Leave, Sick however is allowed but counts towards the minimum. Type: Concurrent > From: START Through: END > Option: Count all minimum ranks in shift > Issue if Over: 4. Apply this dynamic issue to the Vacation and Personal Leave work code. Go to the Sick code and select Contributes to group for this dynamic issue.
15 Request must be within the calendar year Type: Condition> Test Condition: START>*01/01/####+1yearor Test Condition: TARGET>*12/31/####-1yearor Test Condition: TARGET>*1/01/####+1year
16 Request is too far in advance (7days) Type: Condition> Test Condition: TARGET>TODAY+7days
17 Work code can only be used from April 1st thru May 15th and from October 1st thru November 15th Type: Condition> Test Condition: [MONTH=5 & DAY>15][MONTH=11 & DAY>15] | MONTH<>4 & MONTH<>10 & MONTH<>11
18 Can not trade with self Type: Condition> Test Condition: PERSONHASPOSITION(0).
19 Can only use this code on the last day of the pay period Type: Condition> Condition:NOW<PAYROLLEND@00:00:00 | NOW>PAYROLLEND+24HOURS> Test Condition: TRUE
20 Contact Supervisor for approval work code must be submitted two hours before your shift starts Type: Condition> Test Condition: NOW>SHIFTSTART-120minutes
21 No Floating Holiday between June 15th and September 15th Type: Condition > Test Condition: TARGET>=06/15/#### & <=09/15/####
22 Must submit time in 10 or 14 hour increments Type: Condition> Test Condition: DURATION<>10 & DURATION<>14
23 Cannot exceed 17 days per calendar year Type: Count Occurrences> From:01/01/####Through: 12/31/####> Issue if over:17> Select Target Person only
24 No Vacation Requests between Thanksgiving thru Christmas Eve at 6 PM Prerequisite: Gray # for Thanksgiving Special Day

Type: Sum Hours> From: SPECIALDAY(Gray #)@06:00:00Through: 12/24/####@18:00:00> Issue if Over: 0

25 Cannot use this work code if hire date is less than 6 months

Type: Condition> Test Condition: TARGET<=PERSONSPECIALDATE+6MONTHS

26 Accumulated Time must be taken in 15minute increments Type: Condition> Test Condition: MODULO(MULTIPLY(DURATION,60),15)
27 Accumulated Time must be taken at the start or end of shift Type: Condition > Test Condition: START<>SHIFTSTART & END<>SHIFTEND
28 Cannot use this work code on even months Type: Condition> Test Condition: MODULO(MONTH,2)=0
29 Cannot use this work code on odd months Type: Condition> Test Condition: MODULO(MONTH,2)<>0
30 Must take leave in 4 hour increments. Type: Condition> Test Condition: Modulo(Duration,4)
31 Cannot use in previous months Type: Condition> Test Condition: TARGET<*##/01/####