Dynamic Functions

Dynamic Functions allow you to derive a value from two Dynamic Arguments (DyA).

Dynamic Function Description Returns Dynamic Function Syntax
MULTIPLY Multiplies two numbers Number MULTIPLY(DyN,DyN)
DIVIDE Divides two numbers Number DIVIDE(DyN,DyN)
TRUNCATE Limits the number of decimal places in a real number. Number TRUNCATE(DyN,<LITERAL NUMBER>)
ROUND Similar to TRUNCATE except that the resulting number is rounded to the nearest decimal place. Number ROUND(DyN,<LITERAL NUMBER>)
MODULO Returns the remainder of integer division Number MODULO(DyN,DyN)
IIF Returns the second Argument if the Condition test True and the third Argument if the condition test False. any type IIF (DyC,DyA,DyA)
@ Allows you to build a Date Time from type DyD’s. The second DyD is usually a <LITERAL TIME> however any DyD containing a time would be legal. Date Time DyD@DyD