DyA Variables List

Identifiers listed within the <> symbols represent constant entries. As shown in the example for each, you would enter actual values; for example 01/01/2012 and not the Identifier name "<CONSTANT DATE>”. Parameter Type noted as such if available.

The application accepts two dynamic date formats: the preferred ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD, and EN_US format MM/DD/YYYY for backward compatibility. This means if you enter September 11, 2017 as 11/09/2017 - the application will read as November 09, 2017. Localization of Dynamic Dates is not supported.
DyA Variable Name Description Type Target Component Identifiers

+/- * () ^ ~ ‘

<CONSTANT BOOLEAN> A constant Boolean value of TRUE or FALSE Boolean; Example: TRUE  
<CONSTANT DATE & TIME> Returns the date & time together in EN_US Format (MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss) DateTime; Example: 01/03/1964 23:59:59 +/- * ^ Examples:
  • 01/03/1964 23:59:59-28days
  • *(##/../####)01/03/1964 23:59:59
  • 01/03/1964 23:59:59^(01/01/1990, 14days, -1)
<CONSTANT DATE> Returns the date in EN_US Format: MM/DD/YYYY Date; Example: 01/03/1964 +/- * ^ Examples:
  • 01/03/1964-28days
  • *(##/../####)01/03/1964
  • 01/03/1964^(01/01/1990, 14days, -1)
<CONSTANT NUMBER> Returns a constant number Number; Example: 24  
<CONSTANT STRING> Returns the string (returns the contents contained within the single quotes) String; Example: A  
<CONSTANT TIME> Returns the time (hh:mm:ss) based on a 24 hour clock Time; Example: 23:59:59 +/- * ^ Examples:
  • 23:59:59-28days
  • *(##/../####)23:59:59
  • 23:59:59^(01/01/1990, 14days, -1)
<WILDCARD DATE> Returns the date in EN_US Date Format. Use '#' or '..' in place of numbers. Accepts EN_US or ISO Date format Date; Example: 02/../#### (the last day in February of the current year - also equivalent to ####-02-.. in YYYY-MM-DD format) Parameter Type: Occurrence (default is -1) +/- * () ^ Examples:
  • 02/../####-28days
  • *(##/../####)02/../####
  • 02/../####(-1)
  • 02/../####^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
<WILDCARD TIME> Returns the time. Use '#' or '..' in place of numbers Time; Example: ##:30:00 (half past the current hour) Parameter Type: Occurrence (default is -1) +/- * () ^ Examples:
  • ##:30:00-28days
  • *(##/../####)##:30:00
  • ##:30:00(-1)
  • ##:30:00^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
AGENCY Returns the Unique Identifier of the target Agency Number; Example: AGENCY  
ASSIGNMENTBUSY Returns TRUE if the target is not in their target position without a reason Boolean; Example: ASSIGNMENTBUSY  
AUCTION Returns the Unique Identifier of the target Auction Number; Example: AUCTION  
AUCTIONBIDMETHOD Returns the Unique Identifier of the target Auction bid method Number; Example: AUCTION BIDMETHOD  
AUCTIONINGROUP Returns TRUE if the target auction is in the specified Bidding Groups Boolean; Example: AUCTIONINGROUP Parameter Type: Unique Identifier or list of Unique Identifiers () Examples:
AUCTIONINPLAN Returns TRUE if the target auction is in the specified Bidding Plan if available Boolean; Example: AUCTIONINPLAN Parameter Type: Unique Identifier or list of Unique Identifiers () Examples:
AUCTIONITEM Returns the Unique Identifier of the target Auction item if available Number; Example: AUCTIONITEM  
AUCTIONITEMTYPE Returns the Unique Identifier of the target Auction item type if available Number; Example: AUCTIONITEMTYPE  
AUCTIONTURN Returns the numeric value of the Auction turn for the Target Auction Number; Example: AUCTIONTURN  
CAUSINGWORKCODE Returns the Unique Identifier of the causing work code for a vacancy if available Number; Example: CAUSINGWORKCODE  
DAY Returns the day of the target month Number; Example: DAY * Example: *(##/../####)DAY
DAYOFF Returns TRUE if the target is on a Day Off Boolean; Example: DAYOFF  
DAYOFWEEK Returns the weekday of the target date.
  • Sunday=1
  • Monday=2
  • Tuesday=3
  • Wednesday=4
  • Thursday=5
  • Friday=6
  • Saturday=7
Number; Example: DAYOFWEEK * Example:*(##/../####)DAYOFWEEK
DURATION Returns the duration in hours of the target without any shift break calculation. Number; Example: DURATION Also see PAYDURATION
DYNAMICISSUE Returns the Unique Identifier of the Dynamic Issue that is testing this DyC, if supplied. Number; Example: DYNAMICISSUE  
EASTER Returns the most recent Easter on or before/on or after the target date and offset by the parameter. Date; Example: EASTER. EASTER references previous Easter, EASTER(1) references next Easter. Parameter Type: Occurrence (default is -1) +/- * () ^ Examples:
  • EASTER-28days
  • *(##/../####)EASTER
  • EASTER(-1)
  • EASTER^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
END Returns the end date & time of the target DateTime; Example: END +/- * ^ Examples:
  • END-28days
  • *(##/../####)END
  • END^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
EXTRADAY Returns TRUE if the target is working their extra day Boolean; Example: EXTRADAY  
FLSAEND Returns the end date of each candidate's FLSA period on or before/ on or after the Target Date and offset by the parameter Date; Example: FLSAEND; FLSAEND means next FLSAEND Parameter Type: Occurrence (default is 1) +/- * () ^ ‘ Examples:
  • FLSAEND-28days
  • *(##/../####)##)FLSAEND
  • FLSAEND(-1)
  • FLSAEND^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
FLSASTART Returns the start date of each candidate's FLSA period on or before or after the Target Date Date; Example: FLSASTART [means previous FLSASTART] Parameter Type: Occurrence (default is 1) +/- * () ^ ‘ Examples:
  • FLSAEND-28days
  • *(##/../####)##)FLSAEND
  • FLSAEND(-1)
  • FLSAEND^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
FRIDAY Returns the date of the most recent Friday on or before/on or after the Target Date and offset by the parameter Date; Example: FRIDAY Parameter Type: Occurrence (default is -1) +/- * () ^ Examples:
  • FRIDAY-28days
  • *(##/../####)##)FRIDAY
  • FRIDAY(-1)
  • FRIDAY^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
INSTITUTION Returns the Unique Identifier of the target Institution Number; Example: INSTITUTION  
JOBTITLE Returns the Unique Identifier of the target Job Title Number; Example: JOBTITLE  
LEAPDAY Returns the date of the most recent leap day on or before/on or after the Target Date and offset by the parameter Date; Example: LEAPDAY Parameter Type: Occurrence (default is -1) +/- * () ^ Examples:
  • LEAPDAY-28days
  • *(##/../####)##)LEAPDAY
  • LEAPDAY(-1)
  • LEAPDAY^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
LIST Returns the Unique Identifier of the target list Number; Example: LIST  
MONDAY Returns the date of the most recent Monday on or before/on or after the Target Date and offset by the parameter Date; Example: MONDAY Parameter Type: Occurrence (default is -1) +/- * () ^ Examples:
  • MONDAY-28days
  • *(##/../####)##)MONDAY
  • MONDAY(-1)
  • MODAY^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
MONTH Returns the number of the month for the Target day (Jan=1, Feb=2,...,Dec=12) Number; Example: MONTH * Example: *(##/../####)##)MONTH
NEARESTWEEKDAY Returns the date of the nearest WEEKDAY in either direction on or before/on or after the target day and offset by the parameter. Date; Example: NEARESTWEEKDAY(1) [the weekday one day before the nearest weekday] NEARESTWEEKDAY(-1) [the weekday one day after the nearest weekday] Parameter Type: Number of weekdays before (+) or after (-) the nearest weekday +/- * () ^ Examples:
  • *(##/../####)##)NEARESTWEEKDAY
  • NEARESTWEEKDAY^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
NOW Returns the current system date & time at the moment of use DateTime; Example: NOW +/- * ^ Examples:
  • NOW-28days
  • *(##/../####)NOW
  • NOW^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
PATTERN Returns the appropriate character in the pattern using the given start date, pattern and the Target Date as a reference String; Example: PATTERN(01/01/1990,'101010000')='1' Parameter Type: Start date, pattern * () Examples:
  • *(##/../####)PATTERN(01/01/1990,’101010000’)=’1’
  • NOW^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
PAYDURATION Returns the duration of the target with any associated breaks taken out. Decimal Number; Example: PAYDURATION If shift breaks are configured, then that is part of the calculation. Also see DURATION
PAYROLLEND Returns the last date of each candidate's payroll period on or before/ on or after the Target Date and offset by the parameter Date; Example: PAYROLLEND Parameter Type: Occurrence (default is 1) +/- * () ^ ‘ Examples:
  • PAYROLLEND-28days
  • *(##/../####)PAYROLLEND
  • PAYROLEND^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
PAYROLLPAYDAY Returns the pay date of each candidate's payroll period on or before/on or after the Target Date and offset by the parameter Date; Example: PAYROLLPAYDAY Parameter Type: Occurrence (default is -1) +/- * () ^ ‘ Examples:
  • *(##/../####)PAYROLLPAYDAY
  • PAYROLLPAYDAY^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
PAYROLLSTART Returns the start date of each candidate's payroll period on or before/on or after the Target Date and offset by the parameter Date; Example: PAYROLLSTART Parameter Type: Occurrence (default is -1) +/- * () ^ ‘ Examples:
  • *(##/../####)PAYROLLSTART
  • PAYROLLSTART^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
PERSONASSIGNMENTDURATION Returns the duration of the person’s shift assignment hours for the target date; disregards any suppression logic and shift break. Decimal Number; Example: PERSONASSIGNMENTDURATION Technical Details: If the person has multiple assignments for the target date, then the sum of hours returns. If the person is not working on the target date, then zero returns. If any of the assignment shifts have shift breaks configured, those are not calculated. Example: PERSONASSIGNMENTPAYDURATION<9
PERSONASSIGNMENTPAYDURATION Returns the duration of the person's shift assignment hours for the target date; factors shift breaks if any; disregards any suppression logic. Decimal Number; Example: PERSONASSIGNMENTPAYDURATION Technical Details: If the person has multiple assignments for the target date, then the sum of hours returns. If the person is not working on the target date, then zero returns. If any of the assignment shifts have shift breaks configured, those are also calculated. Example: PERSONASSIGNMENTPAYDURATION<9
PERSONCANACTAS Returns TRUE if the target person can act as the given job title on the target date Boolean; Example: PERSONCANACTAS(1,4,7) Parameter Type: Unique Identifier or list of Unique Identifiers * () ‘ Examples:
PERSONHASAGENCY Returns TRUE if the target person is assigned to the given agency on the target date Boolean; Example: PERSONHASAGENCY(1) Parameter Type: Unique Identifier or list of Unique Identifiers * () ‘ Examples:
PERSONHASGROUP Returns TRUE if the target person has the given group on the target date Boolean; Example: PERSONHASGROUP(1,2) Parameter Type: Unique Identifier or list of Unique Identifiers * () ‘Examples:
PERSONHASJOBTITLE Returns TRUE if the target person has the given job title on the target date Boolean; Example: PERSONHASJOBTITLE(5,10) Parameter Type: Unique Identifier or list of Unique Identifiers * () ‘Examples:
PERSONHASPOSITION Returns TRUE if the target person is assigned to the given position on the target date Boolean; Example: PERSONHASPOSITION(1,6,9) Parameter Type: Unique Identifier or list of Unique Identifiers * () ‘Examples:
PERSONHASREGION Returns TRUE if the target person is assigned to the given region on the target date Boolean; Example: PERSONHASREGION(1,3) Parameter Type: Unique Identifier or list of Unique Identifiers * () ‘Examples:
PERSONHASSHIFT Returns TRUE if the target person is assigned to the given shift on the target date Boolean; Example: PERSONHASSHIFT(0) [checks to see if person has the target shift]  Parameter Type: Unique Identifier or list of Unique Identifiers * () ‘Examples:
  • *(##/../####)PERSONHASSHIFT(1)
PERSONHASSHIFTMASK Returns TRUE if the target person is assigned to the given shift mask on the target date Boolean, Example: PERSONHASSHIFTMASK(1) Parameter Type: Unique Identifier or list of Unique Identifiers * () ‘Examples:
  • *(##/../####)PERSONHASSHIFTMASK(1)
PERSONHASSPECIALTY Returns TRUE if the target person has the given specialty on the target date Boolean; Example: PERSONHASSPECIALTY(1,2) Parameter Type: Unique Identifier or list of Unique Identifiers * () ‘Examples:
  • *(##/../####)PERSONHASSPECIALTY(1)
PERSONHASSTATION Returns TRUE if the target person is assigned to the given station on the target date Boolean; Example: PERSONHASSTATION(1,5) Parameter Type: Unique Identifier or list of Unique Identifiers * () ‘Examples:
  • *(##/../####)PERSONHASSTATION(1)
PERSONHASUNIT Returns TRUE if the target person is assigned to the given unit on the target date Boolean; Example: PERSONHASUNIT(1) Parameter Type: Unique Identifier or list of Unique Identifiers * () ‘Examples:
  • *(##/../####)PERSONHASUNIT(1)
PERSONISME Returns TRUE if the current user is also the target person Boolean; Example: PERSONISME Example: ‘PERSONISME(1)

‘ Use left single quote, acute, backtick symbol

PERSONNEXTSHIFTEND Returns the shift end date & time for the target person that starts prior to the target end DateTime; Example: PERSONNEXTSHIFTEND +/- * ^ ‘ ~ () Examples:
  • *(##/../####)PERSONNEXTSHIFTEND(1)
  • PERSONNEXTSHIFTEND^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
Note: The use of parenthesis is available as of application v5.4.5.3 and subsequent versions. Used to override the default setting of 31 days if null. The value indicates how many days to go beyond the Target day. A zero (0) means the target day, (1) means one day, 365 means 365 days. Prior to v5.4.5.3 and v6.1 the default was hard coded to 365 days - rare use case and taxing on performance. Max is 365.
PERSONNEXTSHIFTSTART Returns the shift start date & time for the target person that starts prior to the target end DateTime; Example: PERSONNEXTSHIFTSTART +/- * ^ ‘ ~ () Examples:
  • *(##/../####)PERSONNEXTSHIFTSTART(1)
  • PERSONNEXTSHIFTSTART^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
Note: The use of parenthesis is available as of application v5.4.5.3 and subsequent versions. Used to override the default setting of 31 days if null. The value indicates how many days to go beyond the Target day. A zero (0) means the target day, (1) means one day, 365 means 365 days. Prior to v5.4.5.3 and v6.1 the default was hard coded to 365 days - rare use case and taxing on performance. Max is 365.
PERSONPAYGROUP Returns TRUE if the target person's pay group matches the given pay group on the target date Boolean; Example: PERSONPAYGROUP(1) Parameter Type: Unique Identifier or list of Unique Identifiers * () ‘Examples:
  • *(##/../####)PERSONPAYGROUP(1)
PERSONPREVIOUSSHIFTEND Returns the shift end date & time for the target person that ends prior to the target start DateTime; Example: PERSONPREVIOUSSHIFTEND +/- * ‘ ^ ~ ()Examples:
  • PERSONPREVIOUSSHIFTEND^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
Note: The use of parenthesis is available as of application v5.4.5.3 and subsequent versions. Used to override the default setting of 31 days if null. The value indicates how many days to go beyond the Target day. A zero (0) means the target day, (1) means one day, 365 means 365 days. Prior to v5.4.5.3 and v6.1 the default was hard coded to 365 days - rare use case and taxing on performance. Max is 365.
PERSONPREVIOUSSHIFTSTART Returns the shift start date & time for the target person that ends prior to the target start DateTime; Example: PERSONPREVIOUSSHIFTSTART +/- * ‘ ^ ~ () Examples:
  • PERSONPREVIOUSSHIFTSTART^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
Note: The use of parenthesis is available as of application v5.4.5.3 and subsequent versions. Used to override the default setting of 31 days if null. The value indicates how many days to go beyond the Target day. A zero (0) means the target day, (1) means one day, 365 means 365 days. Prior to v5.4.5.3 and v6.1 the default was hard coded to 365 days - rare use case and taxing on performance. Max is 365
PERSONSHIFTPATTERNDAY Returns 1 if the shift for the target person is on its first day of its pattern, 2 if the second, etc. Number; Example: PERSONSHIFTPATTERNDAY * ‘Examples:
PERSONSHIFTWORKING Returns TRUE if the shift of the target person is working Boolean; Example: PERSONSHIFTWORKING * ‘Examples:
PERSONSPECIALDATE Returns the special date associated with the target person Date; Example: PERSONSPECIALDATE +/- * ^ ‘Examples:
  • *(##/../####)PERSONSPECIALDATE
  • PERSONSPECIALDATE^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
PHYSICALUNIT Returns the Unique Identifier of the target physical unit Number; Example: PHYSICALUNIT  
POSITION Returns the Unique Identifier of the target Position Number; Example: POSITION  
POSITIONHASGROUP Returns TRUE if the target position belongs to the given group Boolean; Example: POSITIONHASGROUP(1) Parameter Type: Unique Identifier or list of Unique Identifiers () Example: POSITIONHASGROUP(1)
POSITIONHASSPECIALTY Returns TRUE if the target position has the given specialty. Boolean; Example: POSITIONHASSPECIALTY(1) Parameter Type: Unique Identifier or list of Unique Identifiers () Example: POSITIONHASSPECIALTY(1)
REGION Returns the Unique Identifier of the target Region Number; Example: REGION  
ROSTERCOUNTALARM Returns TRUE if the given ROSTER COUNT test fails to test positive Boolean; Example: ROSTERCOUNTALARM(1) Parameter Type: Unique Identifier or list of Unique Identifiers () Example: ROSTERCOUNTALARM(1)
ROSTERCOUNTCLOCK Returns TRUE if the given ROSTER COUNT test alarms or is about to alarm Boolean; Example: ROSTERCOUNTLOCK(1) Parameter Type: Unique Identifier or list of Unique Identifiers () Example: ROSTERCOUNTCLOCK(1)
SATURDAY Returns the most recent Saturday on or before/on or after the Target Date and offset by the parameter Date; Example: SATURDAY(-1) Parameter Type: Occurrence (default is -1) +/- * () ^ Examples:
  • SATURDAY-28days
  • *(##/../####)SATURDAY
  • SATURDAY(-1)
  • SATURDAY^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
SHIFT Returns the Unique Identifier of the target Shift Number; Example: SHIFT  
SHIFTCYCLEEND Returns the most recent last day of the target shift cycle on or before/on or after the Target Date and offset by the parameter Date; Example: SHIFTCYCLEEND(-1) Parameter Type: Occurrence (default is -1) +/- * () ^ ~ Examples:
  • *(##/../####)SHIFTCYCLEEND
  • SHIFTCYCLEEND^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
SHIFTCYCLESTART Returns the most recent first day of the target shift cycle on or before/on or after the Target Date and offset by the parameter Date; Example: SHIFTCYCLESTART(-1) Parameter Type: Occurrence (default is -1) +/- * () ^ ~ Examples:
  • *(##/../####)SHIFTCYCLESTART
  • SHIFTCYCLESTART^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
SHIFTDURATION Returns the duration in hours of the target shift Number; Example: SHIFTDURATION () ~ Examples:
SHIFTEND Returns the end date & time of the target shift Date and time; Example: SHIFTEND +/- * ^ ~ ‘ Examples:
  • SHIFTEND-28days
  • *(##/../####)SHIFTEND
  • SHIFTEND^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
  • SHIFTEND(-1)
  • ~(1)SHIFTEND
SHIFTPATTERNDAY Returns 1 if the target shift is on its first day of its pattern, 2 if the second, etc. Number; Example: SHIFTPATTERNDAY * ~ Examples:
  • *(##/../####)SHIFTPATTERNDAY
SHIFTSTART Returns the start date & time of the target shift Date and time; Example: SHIFTSTART +/- * ^ ~ ‘ Examples:
  • SHIFTSTART-28days
  • *(##/../####)SHIFTSTART
  • SHIFTSTART^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
SHIFTTYPE Returns 0 if the target shift is constant or 1 if it's interrupted by special days Number; Example: SHIFTTYPE  
SHIFTWORKING Returns TRUE if the given shift is working on the Target Date Boolean; Example: SHIFTWORKING(1) Parameter Type: Unique identifier or list of Unique Identifiers * ~ Examples:
  • *(##/../####)SHIFTWORKING
SPECIALDAY Returns the most recent special day on or before/on or after the Target Date and offset by the parameter Date; Example: SPECIALDAY(-1) Parameter Type: Occurrence (default is -1) +/- * () ^ Examples:
  • SPECIALDAY(1)-28days
  • *(##/../####)SPECIALDAY(1)
  • SPECIALDAY(1)^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
SPECIALDAYS Returns TRUE if there are any special days on the Target Date in the given special day group Boolean; Example: SPECIALDAYS(1) Parameter Type: Unique Identifier or list of Unique Identifiers * () Examples:
  • *(##/../####)SPECIALDAYS(1)
START Returns the Start date & time of the action being filled Date and time; Example: START +/- * ^ Examples:
  • START-28days
  • *(##/../####)START
  • START^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
STATION Returns the unique Identifier of the target Station Number; Example: STATION  
SUNDAY Returns the most recent Sunday on or before/on or after the Target Date and offset by the parameter Date; Example: SUNDAY(-1) Parameter Type: Occurrence (default is -1) +/- * () ^ Examples:
  • SUNDAY-28days
  • *(##/../####)SUNDAY
  • SUNDAY(-1)
  • SUNDAY^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
TARGET Returns the date being targeted Date; Example: TARGET  
THURSDAY Returns the most recent Thursday on or before/on or after the Target Date and offset by the parameter Date; Example: THURSDAY Parameter Type: Occurrence (default is -1) +/- * () ^ Examples:
  • THURSDAY-28days
  • *(##/../####)THURSDAY
  • THURSDAY(-1)
  • THURSDAY^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
TODAY Returns Today's date Date; Example: TODAY  
TUESDAY Returns the most recent Tuesday on or before/on or after the Target Date and offset by the parameter Date; Example: TUESDAY(-1) Parameter Type: Occurrence (default is -1) +/- * () ^ Examples:
  • TUESDAY-28days
  • *(##/../####)TUESDAY
  • TUESDAY(-1)
  • TUESDAY^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
UNASSIGNED Returns TRUE if the target is unassigned Boolean; Example: UNASSIGNED  
UNIT Returns the Unique Identifier of the target Unit Number; Example: UNIT  
UNITTYPE Returns the Unique Identifier of the target Unit Type Number; Example: UNITTYPE  
WEDNESDAY Returns the most recent Wednesday on or before/on or after the Target Date and offset by the parameter Date; Example: WEDNESDAY(-1) Parameter Type: Occurrence (default is -1) +/- * () ^ Examples:
  • WEDNESDAY-28days
  • *(##/../####)WEDNESDAY
  • WEDNESDAY^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
WEEKDAY Returns the most recent weekday date on or before/on or after the Target Date and offset by the parameter Date; Example: WEEKDAY(-1) Parameter Type: Occurrence (default is -1) +/- * () ^ Examples:
  • WEEKDAY-28days
  • *(##/../####)WEEKDAY
  • WEEKDAY(-1)
  • WEEKDAY^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
WEEKEND Returns the most recent weekend date on or before/on or after the Target Date and offset by the parameter Date; Example: WEEKEND(-1) Parameter Type: Occurrence (default is -1) +/- * () ^ Examples:
  • WEEKEND-28days
  • *(##/../####)WEEKEND
  • WEEKEND(-1)
  • WEEKEND^(01/01/1990,14days,-1)
WITHIN Returns TRUE if the start of the target action is within the given time frame Boolean; Example: WITHIN(30minutes) Parameter Type: Timeframe () Examples: WITHIN(30MINUTES)
YEAR Returns the year of the target date Number; Example: YEAR * Example: *(##/../####)YEAR