Dynamic Issue Types

Name Description
Concurrent Used to prevent multiple people from taking leave at the same time.
  Counts the number of occurrences, as selected in the Option drop-down list, and compares the count with the numeric value in the Issue If Over field. If the count is greater than the Issue If Over value the Dynamic Issue enables.
  Example: No more than five employees can take vacation on Shift 1.
Condition Used to capture actions within a date or certain time frame or both.
  If the Test Condition is TRUE, the application checks to see if the Condition is TRUE. If both are TRUE the Dynamic Issue enables.
  Example: Employees can take sick leave within the calendar year.
Count Occurrences Used to count occurrences within a certain time frame for each person or a group of people.
  Counts the number of times a work code is used between a certain time period (From/Through). If the count is greater than the Issue If Overvalue the Dynamic Issue enables. If Target Person only check box is selected, then the count is for the number of times a work code is used between a certain time period (From/Through) by that person.
  Example: Each employees can take two floating holidays within the calendar year.
Leave Thresholds Used to prevent people from taking time off using varying minimum counts set in Setup > Leave Thresholds.
  Computes Leave Threshold configuration settings and counts dynamic occurrences of certain work codes, work code types, or work code groups.
  Example: Only 20 employees can be off on weekdays, and 15 employees can be off on weekends across all shifts and a single institution. The count however can change at any moment, this means if today is Monday 20 people can be off but tomorrow, Tuesday only 12 can be off. This dynamic issue is used to work with dynamic counts.
My Vacancy Condition Used to prevent people from taking time off if that request causes the shift to go below minimum staffing levels.
  The application builds a roster on the fly to test the individual with the requested work code to determine if the use of this work code will cause a roster alarm.This is a tedious test and reduces roster performance (when viewing all activities on the roster) significantly. It should be avoided if possible.My Vacancy Condition will not run a test if a vacancy is not created.
  Example: Employees can request time-off as long as the request does not place the Roster below minimum staffing levels.
My Vacancy Rules Used to process rules against the target person’s potential vacancy.
  The application targets a List Plan to see if the target person is above a given ordinal within a List Chain. When selected, the List Plan drop down menu activates. This setting is run within the context of the specific vacancy. This dynamic issue can alternatively count all people who are qualified and available within a List Chain and ensure that it is above or below a given number. The application provides a listing of List Plans that have been pre-configured with the dynamic argument: DYNAMICISSUE.
  Example: Employees cannot take leave unless x amount of people are signed up on the overtime list.
Regular Expression Use to enforce specific data entry in the following fields: Notes, Account Code, or Detail Code.
  The application ensures that users enter information (regular expressions) into the Detail Code, Account Code or Note fields.This option activates the Pattern, Ignore Case, and Target fields.
  Example: Employees must enter an alphanumeric number in the notes field when selecting certain work codes.
Rules Use to process rules against ‘the employee initiating the request’ or ‘the target cover person’.
  the application targets a List Plan to see if the target person is above a given ordinal within a List Chain. When selected, the List Plan drop down menu activates.This setting is run against and outside the context of the specific vacancy.This dynamic issue can alternatively count all people who are qualified and available within a List Chain and ensure that it is above or below a given number. The application provides a listing of List Plans that have been pre-configured with the dynamic argument: DYNAMICISSUE.
  Example: Employees can not request a shift trade if that shift trade causes the cover person to violate a fatigue policy.
Sum Hours Totals hours within a certain time frame for each person or a group of people.
  The application counts the number of hours assigned to a work code between a defined time period (From/Through). If the count is equal to or greater than the Issue If Over value, then the Dynamic Issue is active.If Target Person only is checked, then the count is for the number of hours assigned to a work code between a defined time period (From/Through) by that person.
  Example: Employees can take 120 hours of Family Leave in a calendar year.
Sum Paybacks Total shift trade hours within a certain time frame.
  Sums the Total number of hours used with Trade codes. Sums all payback hours for all work codes that use this dynamic issue. Working and non-working codes that have this dynamic issue will add and subtract from this sum.If the count is equal to or greater than the Issue If Over value, then the Dynamic Issue is active.If Target Person only is checked, then the count is for the number of hours used with Trade codes by that person.
  Example: Employees can not owe more than 40 hours of outstanding shift trades.