Copy Threshold

Requires the user to have authority permission Calendar: Leave Threshold Override granted.

To copy leave threshold counts on the Threshold Calendar.

  1. Choices are:
    • Copy a single value to another destination. Select the date with the desired value, and click Clone.
    • Copy consecutive multiple count values. Drag the cursor across the desired calendar dates, and click Clone.
  2. Enter the value that will override the previous value in Threshold Override.
  3. In Threshold Override, enter the value that will override the previous value. Selected dates automatically populate in From and Through fields. To change the date range click the calendar icon, or enter the date using the following format: MM/DD/YYYY.

    Additional Information: Use the Days of the Week buttons to apply or exclude the threshold override limit to specific days. For example, if you select two weeks worth of data, and disable Tuesday, this means the new override threshold will not apply to every Tuesday encompassing the two week range.