Calendar Shortcut Key List

The Calendar supports the following shortcuts keys to perform tasks:

Shortcut Key Task Description
Arrow Keys Navigates the days on the calendar. To select press the Shift or CTRL key.
Page Up Moves the calendar to the previous month.
Page Down Moves the calendar month forward.
Home Moves the focus to the first day within the calendar view. (Top-left day)
End Moves the focus to the last day within the calendar view. (Bottom-right day)
Enter Displays the day or exception in the focus pop-up menu.
Tab Navigates to the next exception.
Insert Opens the Add work code pop-up window.
CTRL+A Opens the Add work code pop-up window.
CTRL+Shift+A Selects all of the work-code within weeks in view.
CTRL+P Navigates to the Reports area.
CTRL+Q Opens the Deny or Off-Roster pop-up window depending on context.
CTRL+Shift+V Opens the Approve pop-up window.
CTRL+L Navigates to the Pick List area.
A-Z Characters used to return codes with the matching character criteria in the Add work code pop-up window.
CTRL+Q Opens the Approve pop-up window.
CTRL+C Clears all selections.
CTRL+E Opens the Edit pop-up window.
CTRL+U Opens the Edit without rules... pop-up window.
DEL Deletes a work code record.