Enable the Task Manager

This task requires access to System Authority Levels and the Task Manager.

The Task Manager must have a Run as user defined to initiate tasks. Additionally, the Contact Manager will not contact anyone until the Run As user in the Task Manager has been set. We recommend using the built-in initial TS Admin user or a similar user to run the Task Manager. The user must be active at all times otherwise the tasks will not run.

Do not select a user who is sensitive to deactivation, termination, or profile changes which may affect their system rights and capabilities.
  1. Go to System > Authority Levels and be sure the user desired has been granted both Activity and Setup rights to the Task Manager
  2. From System, go to the Task Manager.
  3. In Run as, select the desired user. The default is <None>.

    You must set a user to run all tasks including out of the box tasks such as the Janitorial Manager and Purge System Logs.

  4. Click Save.