Run Bulk Data Export (Analytics)

Review About Bulk Data Extracts (Analytics) topic

To run any of the Bulk Data Export1 task types:

  1. Go to: System > Task Manager
  2. Click Add
  3. In Name, label your job. Use the description area to enter additional information if needed.
  4. Leave remaining and default settings as is.
  5. Click the Task tab to create a task.
  6. In Name, label your task.
  7. In Task Type, select one of:
    • Extract (Assignments): In Date, type a date to target a specific date. Format: MM/DD/YYYY. Use a Dynamic Dates to target today, for example TODAY, or target tomorrow, TODAY+1DAY, or the day after tomorrow, TODAY+2DAYS or yesterday, TODAY-1DAY.

    • Extract (People): Not limited by Date.

    • Extract (Positions): Not limited by Date.

    • Extract (Schedules): In From and Through, type a date to target a specific date. Format: MM/DD/YYYY. Use a Dynamic Dates to target today, for example in From type TODAY and in Through type TODAY, or target tomorrow, in From type TODAY and in Through type TODAY+1 DAY.

  8. In Filename, label your file:
  9. Leave the remaining and default settings as is.
  10. Click Save.
  11. To run the task, return to the main Task Manager screen. Select this task, and click Run.
  12. The default location of the export is C:\Program Files\integration\extract
1 Not available for Blueprints. Bulk data extracts do not include blueprint-specific data.