Purge System Logs

Deletes Activity Logs for the given Logging Level and Day offset.

This task requires System Access to the Task Manager in Setup > System.

Use the Purge System Logs to clear the Activity Log in Setup > System > Activity Log.

  1. Go to: System > Task Manager
  2. Click Purge System Logs
  3. An asterisk in the table denotes a required parameter. Default parameters across platforms are as follows1:
    Parameter Value
    Remove ERROR logs more than X days old* 365
    Remove DEBUG logs more than X days old* 3
    Remove INFO logs more than X days old* 14
    Remove WARNING logs more than X days old* 60
    Remove TRACE logs more than X days old* 3
    Remove ERROR Blueprint import logs more than X days old* 365
    Remove ALL Blueprint import logs more than X days old* 365
    Remove historical task execution data more than X days old* 60
    Remove ALL Job Allocation logs more than X days old* 365
    Remove Job Allocation logs - Job Details more than X days old*

    (Available  as of application version 7.1.6)

    Remove Job Allocation logs - Preferences more than X days old*

    (Available  as of application version 7.1.6)

    Remove WARNING logs more than X days old* 60
    Remove TRACE logs more than X days old* 3
    Remove successful events more than X days old*

    (Available  as of application version 7.0.1)

    Remove unsuccessful events more than X days old*

    (Available  as of application version 7.0.1)

    Remove ERROR Blueprint import logs more than X days old* 365
    Remove ALL ActiveMQ Broker connection logs more than X days old*

    (Available in application version 6.8.2+, and 7.0.2+)

    Remove ALL Roster Export History more than X days old

    (Not required, blank is valid. Available in application version 6.8.2+, and 7.0.2+)

  4. * The asterisk denotes a required field. Replace all default values with a zero, 0.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Optional -click the Schedules tab to create a schedule. See Task Manager Schedule Example topic for additional information.
  7. Click Return to List, select Purge System Logs.
  8. Click Run Now.

    Clears the list of tasks shown on the System Activity Log screen.

1 Parameters visible to you depend on your license type; for example, Blueprints are available with a Blueprints license.