Payroll Export Task Type Example

This task requires System Access to the Task Manager in Setup > System.

Use the Payroll Export Task Type job to export Roster records in XML or CSV format.


The Payroll Export returns only ‘checked’ records on the Roster for personnel who have a Payroll ID assigned.

  1. Go to: System > Task Manager
  2. Click Add.
  3. In Name, label your job. Use the description area to enter additional information if needed.
  4. Leave remaining and default settings as is.
  5. Click the Task tab to create a task.
  6. In Name, label your task.
  7. In Task Type, select Payroll Export.
  8. In From and Through use a Dynamic Date (case sensitive) to target a date range and return records within the given date range. For example, to target the past 14 days, in From type: TODAY-14DAYS and in Through type: TODAY
  9. Configure the remaining fields within the parameters table as desired.
  10. Click Save.
  11. Optional -click the Schedules tab to create a schedule. See Task Manager Schedule Example topic for additional information.