Auto Notify Task Type Example

This task requires System Access to the Task Manager in Setup > System.

Use the Auto-Notify Task Type job to automatically notify personnel of work codes added to that staff member’s record. Only the work codes configured with the Auto-Notify if Appropriate setting are returned using this task.

  1. Go to: System > Task Manager
  2. Click Add.
  3. In Name, label your job. Use the description area to enter additional information if needed.
  4. Leave remaining and default settings as is.
  5. Click the Task tab to create a task.
  6. In Name, label your task.
  7. In Task Type, select Auto Notify.
  8. In From Date and Through Date use a Dynamic Date (case sensitive) to target a date range and return auto notify records within the given date range. For example, to target tomorrow, in From Date type: TODAY+1DAY and in Through Date type: TODAY+1DAY
  9. In Shift(s), select one or more shifts to return auto notify type records active on the selected shift(s). Clear all check boxes to return auto notify records for all of the Shift(s) listed.
  10. In Region(s), select one or more regions to return auto notify records active in the selected region(s). Clear all check boxes to return auto notify records for all of the Region(s) listed.
  11. In Attempt for the next [x] minutes (0=60 minutes), type the number of minutes desired. After firing this task only attempt for [x] minutes.
  12. In Limit the Contact Method, select a contact method or select <all> to use all of the contact methods listed in the selected person’s general record.
  13. Click Save.
  14. Optional - click the Schedules tab to create a schedule. See Task Manager Schedule Example topic for additional information.