Pay Range From |
payRangeFrom |
The from date passed to this script. |
Pay Range Through |
payRangeThrough |
The through date passed to this script. |
Institution Name |
institutionName |
CHAR(40) |
The institution where the staffing record took place. |
Institution Abbreviation |
institutionAbbreviation |
CHAR(10) |
The institution abbreviation where the staffing record
took place. |
Institution External ID |
institutionExternal ID |
CHAR(40) |
The institution external ID where the staffing record
took place. |
Agency Name |
agencyName |
CHAR(40) |
The agency where the staffing record took place. |
Agency Abbreviation |
agencyAbbreviation |
CHAR(10) |
The agency abbreviation where the staffing record
took place. |
Agency External ID |
agencyExternalID |
CHAR(40) |
The agency external ID where the staffing record
took place. |
Region Name |
regionName |
CHAR(40) |
The region where the staffing record took place. |
Region Abbreviation |
regionAbbreviation |
CHAR(10) |
The region abbreviation where the staffing record
took place. |
Region External ID |
regionExternalID |
CHAR(40) |
The region external ID where the staffing record
took place. |
Station Name |
stationName |
CHAR(40) |
The station where the staffing record took place. |
Station Abbreviation |
stationAbbreviation |
CHAR(10) |
The station abbreviation where the staffing record
took place. |
Station External ID |
stationExternalID |
CHAR(40) |
The station external ID where the staffing record
took place. |
Unit Name |
unitName |
CHAR(40) |
The unit where the staffing record took place. |
Unit Abbreviation |
unitAbbreviation |
CHAR(10) |
The unit abbreviation where the staffing record took
place. |
Unit External ID |
unitExternalID |
CHAR(40) |
The unit external ID where the staffing record took
place. |
Vehicle Name |
vehicleName |
CHAR(40) |
The physical unit or vehicle where the staffing record
took place. |
Vehicle Abbreviation |
vehicleAbbreviation |
CHAR(10) |
The physical unit or vehicle abbreviation where the
staffing record took place. |
Position Rank Level |
positionRankLevel |
The position's rank level for which the staffing record
was entered. |
Position Rank |
positionRank |
CHAR(40) |
The position's rank for which the staffing record
was entered. |
Position Rank Abbreviation |
positionRankAbbreviation |
CHAR(10) |
The position rank abbreviation for which the staffing
record was entered. |
Position External ID |
positionExternalID |
CHAR(40) |
The position External ID where the staffing record
took place. |
Position Specialties |
positionSpecialties |
CHAR(100) |
The position specialties for which the staffing record
was entered. |
Position Shift Name |
positionShiftName |
CHAR(40) |
The shift for which the staffing record was entered. |
Position Shift Abbreviation |
positionShiftAbbreviation |
CHAR(10) |
The shift abbreviation for which the staffing record
was entered. |
Position Shift From |
positionShiftFrom |
The start date and time for the Shift for which the
staffing record was entered. |
Position Shift Through |
positionShiftThrough |
The end date and time for the shift for which the
staffing record was entered. |
Calendar Date |
calendarDate |
The calendar date for which the staffing record was
entered. |
From |
from |
The from date and time for which the staffing record
was entered. |
Through |
through |
The through date and time for which the staffing
record was entered. |
Employee Payroll ID |
employeePayrollID |
CHAR(30) |
The payroll ID of the staff member for which the
staffing record was entered. |
Employee Wage |
employeeWage |
The hourly wage of the staff member for which the
staffing record was entered. |
Employee ID |
employeeID |
CHAR(30) |
The employee ID of the staff member for which the
staffing record was entered. |
Employee Name |
employeeName |
CHAR(40) |
The name of the staff member for which the staffing
record was entered. |
Shift Name |
shiftName |
CHAR(40) |
The shift of the staff member for which the staffing
record was entered. Returns blank value in this application. Field
replaced by Position Shift Name. |
Shift Abbreviation |
shiftAbbreviation |
CHAR(2) |
The shift abbreviation of the staff member
for which the staffing record was entered. Returns blank value in
this application. Field replaced by Position Shift Abbreviation. |
Rank Level |
rankLevel |
The rank level of the staff member for which the
staffing record was entered. |
Rank Name |
rankName |
CHAR(40) |
The rank of the staff member for which the staffing
record was entered. |
Rank Abbreviation |
rankAbbreviation |
CHAR(10) |
The rank abbreviation of the staff member for which
the staffing record was entered. |
Specialties |
specialties |
CHAR(100) |
The specialties of the staff member for which the
staffing record was entered. |
Hours |
hours |
The hours or duration of the staffing record. |
Hours Left of Shift (LOS) |
hoursLeftOfShift |
The hours or duration of the staffing record
to the left of the shift split definition. |
Hours Right of Shift (ROS) |
hoursRightOfShift |
The hours or duration of the staffing record
to the right of the shift split definition. |
Roster Symbol |
rosterSymbol |
CHAR(100) |
The roster code name of the staffing record exactly
how it appears on the roster. |
Roster Name |
rosterName |
CHAR(40) |
The roster code name of the staffing record. |
Roster Abbreviation |
rosterAbbreviation |
CHAR(10) |
The roster code abbreviation of the staffing record. |
Payroll Code |
payrollCode |
CHAR(30) |
The payroll code of the staffing record. |
Roster Note |
rosterNote |
CHAR(100) |
The note stored with the Roster code. |
Wage Factor |
wageFactor |
The wage factor of the payroll code of the staffing
record. |
Cost |
cost |
cost = hours * wage * wage factor of the payroll
code of the staffing record. |
Detail Code |
detailCode |
CHAR(20) |
The roster detail code associated with this staffing
record. |
Log Opportunity |
logOpportunity |
CHAR(1) |
This staffing record is logged to the opportunity
#'s for the person. |
Log List |
logList |
CHAR(1) |
This staffing record is logged to the list
hrs for the person. |
Log Work Code |
logWorkCode |
CHAR(1) |
This staffing record is logged to the work
code hrs for the person. |
Account Code |
accountCode |
CHAR(30) |
The account code of the staffing record. |
Caused By Employee Name |
causedByEmployeeName |
CHAR(40) |
The name of the staff member who's vacancy caused
the need for this staffing record. |
Caused By Employee ID |
causedByEmployeeID |
CHAR(30) |
The employee ID of the staff member who's vacancy
caused the need for this staffing record. |
Cause By Payroll ID |
causedByPayrollID |
CHAR(30) |
Payroll ID of the staff member who's vacancy caused
the need for this staffing record. |
Caused By Wage Factor |
causedByWageFactor |
Hourly wage of the staff member who's vacancy
caused the need for this staffing record. |
Caused By Rank Level |
causedByRankLevel |
Rank level of the staff member who's vacancy caused
the need for this staffing record. |
Caused by Rank |
causedByRank |
CHAR(40) |
Rank of the staff member who's vacancy caused
the need for this staffing record. |
Caused By Rank Abbreviation |
causedByRankAbbreviation |
CHAR(10) |
Rank abbreviation of the staff member who's vacancy
caused the need for this staffing record. |
Caused By Specialties |
causedBySpecialties |
CHAR(100) |
Specialty of the staff member who's vacancy caused
the need for this staffing record. |
Caused By Hours |
causedByHours |
DECIMAL(11,4) |
Hours or duration of the staffing record that caused
the need for this staffing record. |
Caused By Roster Name |
causedByRosterName |
CHAR(40) |
The code name of the staffing record on the roster
that caused the need for this staffing record. |
Caused By Roster Abbreviation |
causedByRosterAbbreviation |
CHAR(10) |
Roster code abbreviation of the staffing record that
caused the need for this staffing record. |
Caused By Payroll Code |
causedByPayrollCode |
CHAR(30) |
Payroll code of the staffing record that caused the
need for this staffing record. |
Caused By Wage Factor |
causedByWageFactor |
Wage factor of payroll code of the staffing record
that caused the need for this staffing record. |
Caused By Cost |
causedByCost |
cost = hours * wage * wage factor of payroll code
of the staffing record that caused the need for this staffing record. |
Caused By Detail Code |
causedByDetailCode |
CHAR(10) |
Detail code of the staffing record that caused the
need for this staffing record. |
FLSA Hours |
flsaHours |
Total FLSA hours of the person over the given period. |
RSC No In |
rscNoIn |
The Internal ID of this application for profile
of NAME person above. |
RSC Master No In |
rscMasterNoIn |
The Internal ID of this application for the person
referenced in rscNoIn. |
Staffing No In |
staffingNoIn |
The Internal ID of this application for this staffing
record. |
Hole Staffing No In |
holeStaffingNoIn |
The Internal ID of this application for the staffing
record that caused the need for this staffing record. |
Staff By |
staffBy |
CHAR(50) |
The name of the person who last modified this staffing
record. |
Toward FLSA Hours |
towardFlsaHours |
CHAR(1) |
Y=YES; indicates that this staffing record
should be totaled into the FLSA hours. |
FLSA Hours Shift |
flsaHoursShift |
The thr >eshold for FLSA hours for the SHIFT above. |
FLSA Hours Total |
flsaHoursTotal |
The total FLSA hours summed for the given period.
To show a value in this field the person must exceed their FLSA
threshold for the period.FLSA is defined in Setup > Pay Information,
and applied to the person’s Profile in Pay Group. |
Record Count |
recordCount |
The count of records over the given period
for the person above. |