Roster 02 Export in Binary File Format (.bin*)

Requires access to Setup > System > Task Manager. Additionally, for testing purposes be sure the Roster contains recent record modifications. If you are not sure, go to the Roster and make a quick change for testing, for example give a person a Sick code and be sure to remove it after your test.

The Roster 02 Export supports a binary (.bin) file format using <application name > v5.4.2 or subsequent version. To apply and convert a binary file format, the file name must be prefixed with bin*. For example, bin.ROS02-(.*).xml will be written to ROS02-(.*).bin. To revert back to the original file format, omit the bin. prefix on the xml file.


Any use outside of the ROS02 Export Task is not supported and results are undefined.

Task example noted below uses the Roster 02 Export task type:

  1. Go to Setup > System > Task Manager to create a new task.
  2. Click Add.
  3. In General > Name, provide a meaningful name for this job.
  4. In Task > enter a name for this task. Generally, the same name provided on the General tab is used.
  5. In Task Type, select Roster 02 Export.
  6. Set From and Through.
  7. Configure the remaining fields as desired. No selections means all items selected and returned when applicable. Optional step for this task example.
  8. Set Format as CSV
  9. Label filename as bin.* For example, filename bin.ROSEXP.xml.
  10. Optional: Select Wrap all columns in quotes for CSV.
  11. Click Save.
  12. Return to the Task Manager main page. Select this task to run the Roster 02 Export task. When selected, click Run. When completed check the Exports folder for results.

    The *.bin file is located in the Export folder. The default location is: C:\Program Files\<application name>\integration\export.

  13. Open exported file in notepad++ or use a similar tool to view the output.