Configure Time and Duration

To define or edit the Shift start time in the Shifts section of the Setup area:

  1. Select a shift to define the shift times and duration.
  2. Type the shift start time and duration using a 24 hour clock in HH:MM format (where H = hour and M = minute) in Time Duration. Duration is the length in hours from the start time. Hours may be defined in decimals. The application rounds decimals up; for example, 2.497 hours displays 2.5 hours on the roster.
    • Use a comma to separate the start time of the shift and the duration. For example, a shift that starts at 1:00 PM and runs for 9 hours must be entered as 13:00,9
    • Use a negative time to return the previous date, meaning yesterday. Typically used for personnel working a graveyard shift that starts at 11PM and cross midnight to the next day. Since most of the shift runs the next day, you want to see the staff on the roster the next day starting at 11PM the previous day. If this is the case configuration for a shift that starts at 11 PM yesterday and runs for eight hours must be entered as -23:00,8.
    • Use a positive time to return the next date, meaning tomorrow (rare usage). For example, a shift that starts at 2:00AM tomorrow and runs for eight hours is entered as +02:00,8.
    • Use a semicolon to set alternate shift times. For example, a work schedule that alternates days between 9 and 10 hours long is entered as 07:30,9;07:30,10. A weekday schedule where every fifth working day ends an hour early is entered as 07:30,9;;;;07:30,8. Use a semi-colon with nothing between to indicate the previously defined start time and duration.
    • Use the pipe symbol (|) if the shift has a Critical Time period. Critical time periods are used to create a partial vacancy within the Start and End limits of the shift defined. For example, suppose a shift for a position runs from 8AM - 5PM. When the position is vacated by an exception such as Sick Leave, the vacancy shows 10AM - 3PM. This is typically used when personnel shifts overlap so there is extra coverage at the beginning and end of each shift. Refer to theCritical Times topic for more information.
  3. Click Save.