Scheduling: Deallocate Jobs

To remove employees using the Job Deallocation tool on the Planning board:

  1. Click the pencil icon.
  2. Scheduling choices are:
    • To remove all jobs within the blueprints in view, click Job Deallocation. The job deallocation window opens, and returns all of the blueprints by default.
    • To choose which blueprints to run the job deallocation tool for, click Advanced Edit Mode. Choose the blueprints you want to run the job deallocation tool for, then click Deallocate Jobs.
    • To access the job allocation tool from the Staffing Board, click Blueprints > Select Blueprints. Choose the blueprint or blueprints to run the job allocation tool for, then click the pencil icon, click Deallocate Jobs.
  3. In the Job Deallocation area, the selected blueprint or list of blueprints appear. Review the information, and warnings if any before confirming.

    A warning message displays when attempting to deallocate people staffed on a Published blueprint, or when attempting to deallocate people for the current week for any blueprint regardless of state, Unpublished or Published.

  4. Click Confirm to deallocate personnel from a job, or click Cancel to exit the area.