Shift Days

Definition: Returns people with a number that represents if they’re on a single day off or multiple days off, as specified in their assignment’s shift pattern. The return value depends on the Sort Options argument (see below).

Return value: Values of type number.

Source: The General tab of the Setup Shift area, the Person Assignments area, the Setup Shift Group area.

Sorting: If this base rule is used for sorting in a List Target or a List, then people with a True return value are preferred (sorted to the top) over other candidates in an ascending sort; otherwise they are pushed to the bottom of the list in a descending sort.

The rule can be given a Where value for example =0, <2, >3, So that the rule only returns values equal to, greater than or less then the value entered in the ‘Where’ field. This can then be used as a qualifier or disqualifier in a List Target or a List, and can be used as a sort in a List.

If no dynamic ‘Where’ condition is specified then people with empty values or values failing the condition sort to the top in an ascending sort. Records of equal sorting priority for all sorting rules are sorted in random order.

Arguments Value
Sort Option
  • DAYDAYSCOUNT-returns 0 if the person is on a single day off (or working) and also the number of days that employee would be off duty on a multiple day off cycle 1=1st day off,2=2nd day off, 3=3rd day off, 4=4th day off so on; otherwise, returns the days # of the day off
  • DAYSCOUNT -returns the number of days that employee would be off duty on a multiple day cycle, such as 1=1st day off,2=2nd day off, 3=3rd day off, 4=4th day off; otherwise, returns a blank value if on a single day off in the Shift Pattern cycle.
  • DAYS - returns 1 if the person is on multiple consecutive days off within the Shift Pattern assigned; otherwise, returns a blank value (if on a single day off or working) (Default value)
  • DAY- returns 0 if the person is on their single day off within the Shift Patter assigned; otherwise, returns a blank value (if on days off or working)
%ShiftGroup%gray number
  • <NOTHING> - do not limit by this argument
  • <INTEGER>- only consider shifts in this shift group to determine the shift pattern