People Filter

The <People Filter> base rule extends the power of the People Filter and makes it available for automated filling of vacancies. This base rule returns people who satisfy all the filter targets defined in its base rule arguments.

Using the Rule Filter screen, this base rule targets three categories of information:

Definition: Returns people with a value of True or False.

Return value: Values of type Boolean

Source: Person Profiles (P), Person Assignments (A), Roster records (R)

Arguments: The same options are available through this base rule as are available through the Manage People panel, Advanced Calendar and the Roster; however, there is more ability in some arguments using the Rule because the rule evaluates a defined period of time which allows for a more granular filtering of candidates. See People Filter Field Descriptions reference topic for additional information.


If there are multiple <People Filter> arguments in the Arguments area of the Rule window, these Arguments are evaluated as an AND expression (all Arguments have to be True for the Rule to be True).

Build Moment: This field is required. It defines the target date and time to build the roster.

Profile & Assignment <People Filter> - Builds the roster based on profile & assignment information that is active on this date.

Roster <People Filter> - Builds the roster based on all shifts that cross this date & time.

From: This field is required. It defines the start time in which to run the selected rule filters.

Through: This field is required. It defines the end time in which to run the selected rule filters.

Sorting: If this base rule is used for sorting in a List Target or List, then candidates with a True return value are preferred (sorted to the top) if the sort is ascending; otherwise, they are pushed behind the other candidates in a descending sort.