
Definition: Returns people with a True or False value. True means the person is overworked. This base rule gathers the Assignment(s) information and Exceptions (checked Roster records) for a target person across the period defined (by From and Through) to determine if an Overworked situation (as defined by the Arguments) exists for that person.


This is the most expensive base rule for performance considerations. If possible, a rule with this base rule should be used last (in a sequence of multiple rules) and if possible used at the List level so that the total group of qualified and available candidates to be evaluated by it has been reduced through previous rules.

Return value: Values of type Boolean.

Source: Person Assignments, the Staffing Table (Checked roster records); Shift pattern

From: This field is required. It defines the start of the time frame in which to look for scheduled hours or staffing records.

End: This field is required. It defines the end of the time frame in which to look for scheduled hours or staffing records.

Sorting: If this base rule is used for sorting in a List Target or a List, then people with a True return value are preferred (sorted to the top) over other candidates in an ascending sort; otherwise they are pushed to the bottom of the list in a descending sort.

Arguments Value (*Default)
  • *CONSECUTIVETIMEOFF- compares the person’s largest block of consecutive time-off hours to the target number of hours in the given time frame. IMPORTANT: The block of consecutive hours off must be equal to or greater than the Target number of hours.(Default value)

    The pass/fail logic determines if the consecutive hours are greater than the parameter of hours in CONSECUTIVE_OFF. Read as: A person is considered overworked if they have X or more consecutive hours off with an AND behavior in the target window of the rule. The rule is really to be thought of as a disqualifying rule; and if you want to use in a qualifying way; use Unavailable rule logic or use the equivalent NOT in the qualified area if its important to use in the qualification area.

  • WORKINGHOURSSUM - compares the person’s total for working hours (including this opportunity) to the target number of hours in the given time frame. The working hours summed do not have to be consecutive. The total working hours must be equal to or less than the Target number of hours.
  • NONWORKINGHOURSSUM - compares the person’s total non-working hours (after this opportunity) to the target number of hours in the given time frame. The non-working hours summed do not have to be consecutive. Their total non-working hours must be equal to or greater than the Target number of hours.
  • CONSCUTIVETIMEON- compares the person’s largest block of consecutive time-on hours (including this opportunity) to the target number of hours in the given time frame. This block of consecutive hours on must be equal to or less than the Target number of hours.
Target number of hours
  • <DECIMAL> - the number of hours that determines overworked according to the different Modes. Depending on the Mode selected, this may be a MIN or MAX target.
Consecutive Period
  • <NOTHING> - sum the total hours in the given time frame
  • <DECIMAL> - the hours are summed in the given time frame in rolling consecutive periods of hours defined by this value
Requires exceptions This Argument exists to mitigate the (performance) expense of this base rule, if the situation permits.
  • *TRUE - indicates that ONLY the candidate(s) still Qualified and Available in the list AND that have an Exception (checked Roster record) in the period (defined by From and Through) should be tested. This value minimizes the number of people being tested under the assumption that only the second (or greater) Exception in any period could cause someone to be Overworked.
  • FALSE - indicates that EVERYONE still Qualified and Available in the list should be tested. This value assumes that the first Exception in any period could cause someone to be Overworked.
Respect Shift Break Hours Enables with WORKINGHOURSSUM and NONWORKINGHOURSSUM mode.
  • *FALSE- does not factor shift break hours.
  • TRUE - will factor shift break hours supplied by the target Shift of the staffing record.
  • FALSE - Working hours will be the duration of the shift regardless of any shift break presence in the staffing record.
  • TRUE - If the duration passes the ‘if working at least X hours” then the Duration minus Break Hours will be used as the SUM.
  • FALSE - Break hours are not included when summing nonworking hours.
  • TRUE - If the duration passes the ‘if working at least X hours” then shift break hours are included in the total nonworking time.