Organization Opportunity Numbers

Definition: Returns people with the Opportunity Number (Opp #) associated with their permanent assignment. The value of the Opportunity Number field comes from the Setup Organization area. The first Opportunity Number encountered looking backward from the person’s assigned Position: (Position > Unit > Station > Region > Agency > Institution) is returned. Every level in the organization hierarchy has an optional Opp # associated with it. This field may be blank for some or all organizational levels of a person’s assignment.

Return value: Values of type number

Source: Setup Organization and Person Profile

Sorting: If this base rule is used for sorting in a List Target or a List, then people with a blank return value are pushed behind the other candidates in an ascending sort; otherwise, they are preferred (sorted to the top) if the sort is descending.

Arguments Value
Behavior Options
  • GATHER- Based on the person’s assignment, the rule starts at the position level (lowest org. level) and traverses up the org. levels to get the first Opp #. If one is found, it is assigned to the person. (Default value)
  • ROTATE - compare the vacancy’s Opp # to the person’s Opp # based on their assignment. A person with an Opp # value less than the vacancy’s Opp #, is dropped to the bottom of the list, but maintains their order. (10000 is added to these Opp # values and to blank values).

    Additionally, this application returns the first opportunity number found at the lowest level of the organization structure, if none found, then it moves up the next level and so on.

  • AVOIDTARGET - similar to GATHER (see above value), except push people to the bottom of the list if their Opp # is the same as the vacancy’s Opp #. (10000 is added to these Opp # values and to blank values).
  • ROTATEAVOIDTARGET- similar to AVOIDTARGET (see above value), except push people to the bottom of the list if their Opp # is the less than or equal to the vacancy’s Opp #. (10000 is added to these Opp # values and to blank values).
Unexpired Only
  • NO - returns all contact logs regardless of their expiration status (Default value)
  • YES - returns only contact logs that where the offer has not expired