Logging Bucket Numbers

Definition: Returns people with the total hours or counts in the target Logging Bucket.

Return value: Values of type number

Source: Logging Buckets

Sorting: If this base rule is used for sorting in a List Target or a List, then people with no hours or counts in the Logging Bucket are preferred (sorted to the top) over other candidates in an ascending sort; otherwise they are pushed to the bottom of the list in a descending sort.

Arguments Value
Gray number
  • <INTEGER> - limit by this Logging Bucket.
Target Data
  • HOURS- totals the Hours in the Logging Bucket across the logging period specified (Default value)
  • COUNT - totals the Counts in the Logging Bucket across the logging period specified
  • COUNTFULLONLY­ totals the Counts in the Logging Bucket across the logging period specified, and then drops the last partial count.
  • OFFERCOUNT - totals the offer counts in the Logging Bucket across the logging period specified.
  • OFFERCOUNTFULLONLY - totals the Offer Counts in the Logging Bucket across the logging period specified, and then drops the last partial offer.
Logging period offset
  • <NOTHING> do not limit by Logging period. Returns the sum of hours or counts from all logging periods.
  • <INTEGER> - returns hours or counts in the specified logging period. Use -1 for previous logging period, and so on. (Default value)
  • 0 - returns the hours or counts of the logging buckets in the target period of the vacancy.
  • -999 - do not limit by logging period. Returns hours or counts from the latest logging period with non-zero hours or counts.
Divide by
  • <NOTHING> do not divide the target logging bucket number.
  • <DECIMAL> - divide the target logging bucket number by this decimal. Division allows you to create counts out of hours totals.
Decimal places
  • <NOTHING> do not truncate the target logging bucket numbers' decimal places.
  • <DECIMAL> - truncate the logging bucket number's decimal places to the integer portion of this number. If supplied, the fractional portion of this number indicates that the resulting number's decimal place should be a factor of this number. For example, 1.5 in this field indicates to truncate to 1 decimal place and round down to the nearest factor of 0.5. A 1.5 would cause a bucket total of 27.625 to become 27.5 and a total of 27.425 to become 27.0.