Logging Bucket Dates

Definition: Returns people with the target Logging Bucket records’ DateTime stamp.

Return value: Values of type DateTime

Source: Logging Buckets

Sorting: If this base rule is used for sorting in a List Target or a List, then people with a blank Logging Bucket Date Time return value are preferred (sorted to the top) over other candidates in an ascending sort; otherwise they are pushed to the bottom of the list in a descending sort.

Arguments Value
Gray number
  • <INTEGER> - limit by this Logging Bucket.
Target Data
  • LASTDATES1- returns the Date of the last record in the Logging Bucket (Default value)
  • LAST DATES2 - returns the Date of the last 2 records in the Logging Bucket
  • LASTDATES3­ returns the Date of the last 3 records in the Logging Bucket
  • LASTDATES4 - returns the Date of the last 4 records in the Logging Bucket
  • LASTOFFER - returns the DateTime stamp of the last offer from the contact logs
  • LASTCREATED- returns the DateTime stamp of the last roster record
Logging period offset
  • <NOTHING> do not limit by Logging period. Returns the most recent and available login period on record.
  • <INTEGER> - returns the DateTime stamp of the records created in the specified logging period. Use -1 for previous logging period and so on.(Default value)
  • 0 - returns the DateTime stamp of the records created in the target period of the vacancy.