Location Proximity

Definition: Returns people with the value in the matrix between the person’s Location/Destination value and the Destination Target’s Location/Destination value. Location is an optional field so a person may have a blank value. A person may also have a blank return value, even if their Location field is not blank, if the location proximity matrix does not have a value defined between the person’s Location/Destination value and the Destination Target’s Location/Destination value.

Return value: Values of type number

Source: The Advanced TAB of the Person Profiles window, the Advanced TAB of the Position window, or the Advanced TAB of the Edit window of a Roster record; and the Location window.

Sorting: If this base rule is used for sorting in a List Target or a List, then people with a blank Location/Destination return value are pushed behind the other candidates in an ascending sort; otherwise, they are preferred (sorted to the top) if the sort is descending.

Arguments Value
Person target
  • Location - use the Location field in the Person Profile to get the Location value from the Location matrix.Default Value
  • Departure- use the Location field in the Person Profile to get to its Destination value from the Location matrix
Destination Target
  • Location- use the Location field of the Position to get the Location value from the Location matrix.(Default Value)
  • Departure - use the Location field of the Position to get to its Destination value from the Location matrix.
Use roster record if within X hours
  • <NOTHING>-ignore this argument.(Default Value)
  • <DECIMAL> - use the roster record’s Location/Destination value instead of the Position’s Location/Destination value, if a roster record exists and it is within the time specified.