Last Creation Date Time

Definition: Returns people with the most recent staffing record for each person that matches the target list, work code, or work code group in a given time frame.

Return value: Values of type Date Time

Source: Staffing Table (“Checked” roster records).

From: This field is required. It defines the start of the time frame in which to look for staffing records.

Through: This field is required. It defines the end of the time frame in which to look for staffing records.

Sorting: If this base rule is used for sorting in a List Target or a List, then people with a blank return value are preferred (sorted to the top) over other candidates in an ascending sort; otherwise they are pushed to the bottom of the list in a descending sort.

Arguments Value
%Strategy% Gray Number
  • <NOTHING>- do not limit by list (strategy)
  • <INTEGER> - returns the DateTime stamp of the last staffing record created by this specific list (Default value)
  • 0 - returns the DateTime stamp of the last staffing record created by the target list of the vacancy
%Work Status% Gray Number
  • <NOTHING>- do not limit by work code (Default value)
  • <INTEGER> - returns the DateTime stamp of the last staffing record created by this specific work code
  • 0 - returns the DateTime stamp of the last staffing record created by the work code specified by the list target of the vacancy. If there are multiple list targets, with different work codes, then the last staffing record for the person is returned that matches at least one of the work codes.
%Work Status% Group Number
  • <NOTHING>- do not limit by work code group (Default value)
  • <INTEGER> - returns the DateTime stamp of the last staffing record created by this specific work code group
  • 0 - returns the DateTime stamp of the last staffing record created by the work code group specified by the work code defined in the list target of the vacancy
  • ENTIRE - bring back the record if it lies entirely in the period defined by From/Through.
  • PART- bring back the record if it crosses ‘any’ part of the period defined by From/Through (Default value)