Auction Item Dates

Definition: This base rule is used with auctions only. Returns people with the date they bid, won, or were awarded an auction item as specified by the arguments in the period defined by From and Through.

Return value: Values of type date

Source: Auctions

From: This field is required. It defines the start of the time frame in which to look for bid/win/award dates.

Through: This field is required. It defines the end of the time frame in which to look for bid/win/award dates.

Arguments Value
  • MIN- previous offer for this specific position.
  • MAX - previous offer for any position.
  • <NOTHING> - returns the date for the bid/win/award value associated with the target auction item only.
  • BIDS- looks for the date the bid was placed
  • WINS - looks for the date on which the person won number.
  • AWARDS- looks for the date the person was awarded the auction item
Limit by Target
  • ITEM- limit by auction item (Default value)
  • AUCTION - limit by auction
  • PLAN- limit by Bidding Plan
  • GROUP - limit by Bidding Groups
Limit by Gray Number
  • <NOTHING> - do not limit.
  • <INTEGER>- looks for bid/win/award dates limited by the above value identified by its Unique Identifier
  • 0 - looks for bid/win/award dates limited by the above value that match the target value
Limit by Bid Turn Limit selections to Target for a specific bid turn. Positive number is a specific bid turn and negative number is a relative bid turn. Select one or more choices:
  • <NOTHING> -do not limit
  • <INTEGER> -Positive number is a specific bid turn. Negative number is a relative bid turn.