Assigned in Same Roster Hierarchy to Vacancy

Definition: Returns people with a number value. A number is returned only if the person’s assignment organization hierarchy matches the vacancy’s target hierarchy level. If a person’s assignment hierarchy level does not match the target level, then a blank value is returned.

Return value: Returns values of type number. This base rule assigns hierarchy points to each level of the organization. The return values define which level of the hierarchy results in a match. The possible values are:

Source: Person Assignments window, the Roster.

Sorting: If this base rule is used for sorting in a List Target or a List, then people with a True return value are preferred (sorted to the top) if the sort is ascending; otherwise, they are pushed behind the other candidates in a descending sort.

Arguments Value
In same - Multiple selections are valid.[Use the <Ctrl> key to select more than one value. When multiple values are selected, a match at the lower level is preferred (this candidate will be higher in the list).]
  • Agency - compares person’s assignment agency to vacancy’s agency.
  • Region- compares person’s assignment region to vacancy’s region.
  • Station - compares person’s assignment station to vacancy’s station.
  • Unit- compares person’s assignment unit to vacancy’s unit.
  • POSITION- compares person’s assignment position to vacancy’s position.