Requesting Time-Off (Sick, Vacation...)

To request time-off either go to the Calendar to request one or more days, or go to the Roster to request one day at a time:

  1. Options are:
    • Click the date on the Calendar, then click Add.

    • Click the work code column on the Roster, then click Add.

  2. Select a work code.
  3. The From and Through fields automatically populate with your shift assignment. Options are:
    • To change the time period use format: HH:MM (Ex: type 14:30 to indicate 2:30 PM)

    • Use the Hours field to change the number of hours. The application will automatically populate the Through field.

  4. Verify your dates and select the check box next to the desired dates. If a Detail Code, an Account Code, or a Note is required the application will prompt you for input.
  5. Click Save.

    The Save button enables when no issues intervene, or you have the permission to override the issue