Apply People Filter Smart Groups

Smart Groups are used to quickly access personnel records by applying limits to records available on the People Filter.

Smart Groups are not limited to one column, multiple grouping selections may be utilized from each of the available columns as long as data within the column is available for sorting.

To use People Filter Smart Groups:

  1. Go to the desired column header to apply the People Filter.
  2. Click the binocular icon in the desired column header to open the Smart Group.1
  3. The Smart Group will catalog the information based on the contents of the selected column. For example, if you click the Name column then alpha groups enable, if you click the Rank column then job title groupings enable, and so on. Smart Group pop-up choices are:
    • Isolate: This is the default setting and showd information that meets the selected criteria.
    • Exclude: Omits the information that meets the selected criteria.
    • All: Restarts the search, or turns off the current Smart Group.

Once the Smart Group filter is turned on, the column header will change color and will appear highlighted. This is a visual indicator that Smart Groups are turned on.

Smart Groups are saved for each login session and are accessible across various areas of the application until the Smart group is turned off.

1 Click the Search icon prior to version 7.