People Columns

The people area displays by default all of the people with active records and active profiles for the current date. This means, a person that does not have an active Profile on the date set by the Filter Date will not be included in the list. Accessing this staff member must be done by either accessing his personal information on another day when he does have an active Profile, or select Show Inactive. Changing the Filter Date to another date will allow basic access to the missing staff member (his Calendar, Reports, etc.), but will not allow access to his personal Information.

Column Name Column Description
Sort by Selected Arrow The arrow next to the Name column sorts selected records to the top or bottom of the list. To use this feature select the desired people on the list, then click the arrow to mover only the selected people to the top or bottom of the People list.
Name Displays Last, First Middle.
Rank Displays the person’s active rank.
Opportunity Displays the person’s opportunity number if your business rules use an Opportunity Number for staffing rules.
1st Contact Displays the 1st Contact listed in the person’s general record.
2nd Contact Displays the 2nd Contact listed in the person’s general record
Employee ID Displays the Employee ID of the person.
Payroll ID Displays the Payroll ID of the person.
Specialty Displays the abbreviation of an active specialty, skill, or certification assigned to the person.
Group Displays the abbreviation of a Group assigned to the person.
Can Act As Displays the Can Act As job titles assigned to the person.
Promoted Displays the promoted date for the person.
Skill Displays the Skill level of the job title if any for the person.
Badge ID Displays the Badge ID of the person.
Formula ID Displays the output of a formula ID if any in person Profile > Formula ID field.
Location Displays the location of the person if any in person Profile > Location field.
City Displays the City located in person General > City field.
Zip Code Displays the Zip Code located in person General > Zip field.
Special Displays the special date (hire date) of the person in person Profile > Special Date field.
Attachment Displays an attachment appended to the person if any.
Authority Override Displays the name of an authority that is overriding the authority assigned to the job title in setup General > job title - if any.
Home Institution Displays the name of the Home Institution for the person in person General > Home Institution - if any.
Filter Failures Displays the reason a person failed a filter when both a filter and the filter failure option are selected in the Filters menu, Show Filter Failures.