Access Import and Export Files

The task below requires System Administrator rights to access this application’s directory. Access controls within this application are located in System > Authority Levels. Access to the application directory of files is granted by your organization.

File path location information is available in the Import Manager located in System > Import Manager > Ongoing Exports.

To access Imports and Exports:

  1. Navigate to the configuration folder in the Workforce TeleStaff directory.

    The default location is C:\Program Files\ <Application Name> \integration

  2. The integration folder contains the following default folders:

Folder Name Sample Sub Folders
  • out (default location for export task files)
  • payroll.processed
  • flsa.processed
  • ongoing.unprocessed
  • ongoing.processed
  • ongoing.skipped
  • person.processed
  • person.errors
  • staffing.processed
  • staffing.errors
samples Contains sample import files for:
  • import-person-sample.csv
  • import-person-sample-udf.csv
  • import-legacy-sample.csv
  • person-ongoing-import-sample-udf.xml
  • person-ongoing-import-sample.xml
  • roster export .ftl templates1
templates Used to process Roster Export .ftl templates. The templates folder is used to drop modified roster exports to be picked up by the new Roster Export task. Roster Export FTL template files, such as ROS02, ROS05… are available in the sample folder.

  1. Optional - you may rename these folders; if so, be sure to include the new name in the corresponding file path located in the file2 or Integration table in Tenant Properties3.
    The default location is C:\Program Files\Workforce TeleStaff\configuration\
1 Roster Export .ftl templates, and the templates folder are available as of application version v7.1.8+, and 7.2.1+.
2 Applicable prior to application version 7.4.
3 Applicable as of application version 7.4.