Configure a Notification Group for Disable Unit...

Review topics:
  • Notification Groups
  • Notification Group Field Descriptions

To configure a Notification Group in the General section of the Setup area:

  1. Select a Notification Group and click Edit to modify; or click Clone to duplicate; or click Add to create a new one.
  2. Label your notification group something meaningful in Name. For example: Adm VI, Supervisor II, Area 1, Group A. Refrain from using a person’s name if possible.
  3. Select the people that will receive a notification when a person assigned to this Notification Group submits a request.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Go to the Organization section of the Setup area to assign this Notifictation Group.

    Notification Groups can be assigned at all levels of the organization, meaning Institution, Agency, Region... using the Notification Group setting. The application will use the Notification Group found at the lowest level of the Organization, if none found, the application moves up the structure to locate a notification group . For example if the Unit does not define a Notification Group, then the application will check the Station.

  6. Click Save.