Special Day Field Descriptions

Special Day Field Name Description
Name Long name.
When This field requires a date or a dynamic date.
Working Day If unchecked, then any Shift type of “Interrupted by Special Days” that would normally run this day will not appear on the roster. Define non-working special days so administrative staff, who would like to work overtime on the constant (suppression) shifts, are available on these special days.
Leave OK Allows leave codes to be entered on this Special Day. If this field is not checked then a person may not take leave when normally they would be able to do so. For example, a Special Day for mandatory training prevents people from taking leave that day.
Change Used to enable and configure Status settings.
Status When enabled, changes may be made to the status of any Logging Behavior. Choices are:
  • Yes: Log to this bucket

  • No: Do not log to this bucket. This selection overrides the logging behavior on the work code and List.

  • <None>: Indicates no logging preference. The List or the work code may determine the logging behavior.

Logging Behavior Displays configured logging behaviors. Used to apply a logging behavior on a special day or days. Select an option in the Status column to determine the logging behavior, if any.
Assigned Institutions Displays a list of institutions as configured in Setup > Organizations. Used to limit a special day to an institution or institutions. Select the institution or institutions applicable to the selected special day. None means the selected special day applies to all institutions.
Unique Identifier The application Internal ID.