Configure Digit Placeholders in Formula ID

A digit placeholder may be used in a formula ID to pad a numeric string with preceding zero characters to sort personnel in a specific way when the number is not of the desired length.

For example, the formula ID variable {RscNoIn} returns in this example 1234 and {RscNoIn, 00000} returns 01234.

Using the preceding example, adding the digit placeholder redefines a number with five digits. Any number that is less than five digits will have a preceding ’0’ added, so 1234 returns as 01234 which may yield the desired outcome when sorting strings. Additionally, when sorting 1234 and 2, 1234 would show before 2 although from a numerical perspective 2 is less than 1234, but if we apply a digit placeholder format of 0000 the system returns 1234 and 0002 and when sorted 0002 would show before 1234 in ascending order.

Other examples and less common usages include decimals values in the sort. To sort these values, as an example see the table below:
Formula ID Format Returns
{RscNoIn, 0.000} The Gray number of the Profile. Ex: 123.4 and 5.67 return as 123.400 and 5.670
{RscSeniorityIn, 0} The Opportunity Number in the Profile. Ex: 23.0, returns 23 (23.5 returns 23)