About Workforce Ready Time Entry Export Settings

Workforce Ready Roster Export and time entry integration is supported in this application using a combination of the Import Manager and the Task Manager in Setup > System.1

The Import Manager area is used to map record and employee information to Workforce Ready cost centers and employee information. The Task Manager is used to send the records to Workforce Ready using the following task types:

Task Type WFR TLM Timecard WFR TLM Basic Schedules
Roster Export to Workforce Ready Time Entry

Used when employees are paid from Schedule.

Workforce Ready Roster Export to Employee Schedules

Used when employees are paid from Punch.


As of application version 6.6 the Workforce Ready Schedules API supports two staffing records per day. The Workforce Ready Roster Export to Employee Schedules task type will send staffing records for each person up to the Workforce Ready API Schedule limit of two staffing records per day.

This application supports multiple staffing records in a day and as such it is possible for personnel to have multiple work code records applied. If a person exceeds the limit the export will fail for that person, and the Activity Log will show the error message denoting more than two records exist for the person. However, in application version 7.1.1, the ability to merge adjacent staffing records to create a single record was added to the Workforce Ready Roster Export to Employee Schedule task. Merging adjacent records creates a single record of time for Workforce Ready to read. See Workforce Ready Roster Export to Time Entries Task Properties field reference topic for more information.

Additionally, in most cases either employees are paid from Schedule or from Punch. The Punch integration does not support non-working staffing records, such as Sick, Vacation; however, if non-working codes are needed you must map the non-working codes and use the task type Roster Export to Workforce Ready Time Entry to capture your non-working work code activity in addition to the Workforce Ready Roster Export to Employee Schedules task type. See the preceding table for application and corresponding task details.

Cost Center trees in Workforce Ready (WFR) are used to identify who is paying for the time entry. The interface located in the ongoing import area of the import manager allows you to identify and map Workforce Ready cost centers with Roster time entry related fields in this application to feed and automatically populate employee timesheets in Workforce Ready.

Please review Planning and Configuring Cost Centers topic for important cost center configuration and use case information. Also, see the Workforce Ready Roster Exports... File Properties topic to review the fields available for mapping in this application.

1 Available as of version 6.4.