Configure Workforce Ready Integration Settings

Workforce Ready integration with this application requires outbound port 443 to be open.

To configure web services between Workforce Ready (WFR) and this application review all of the steps and choices before taking action:

  1. Go to Setup > System > Import Manager > Ongoing Imports.
  2. Select a user to run both the Ongoing..., and the Initial Import Manager. Use the menu boxes:
    • Run Ongoing Imports Manager as*

    • Run Initial Import Manager as*

  3. Go to Ongoing Imports tab > in Integration Account Type, select the Workforce account from the menu box.
  4. In Account Username, type the Workforce account username for authentication with the Workforce web service.
  5. In Account Password, type the password for authentication with the Workforce web service.
  6. In Web Service Endpoint URL, type the domain provided by your Workforce vendor. Format:

  7. In Workforce Ready Company Name, type the Account or Company Name provided by your Workforce vendor. For example: TSG2

    Workforce Ready will then piece step 6 and step 7 and automatically create the resulting and complete URL:

  8. In Workforce Ready API Key, type the API Company provided by your Workforce vendor.

    API keys can be regenerated by system administrators, to verify the API Key is current and correct, go to your Workforce Ready Application > Company Settings > Global Setup > Company Setup > Rest API Key, click the icon that looks like an eye to reveal the API Key. You can copy and paste the key from Ready to this application.

  9. Click Save to confirm your settings.