Workforce Ready Roster Export to Time Entries Task Properties

The following is a description for each of the available properties when using WFR Roster Export to Time Entries task type; available as of version 6.4.1.
All employees must be mapped in both applications. WFR options are Account ID or Employee ID. Options for this application are: Employee ID, External ID, and Payroll ID. These fields are located in the person General tab. If you do not map an employee then time entries for that employee will be blank, and an error will be logged in the activity log.Failure of any record will trigger an "All or None" behavior. Failure of one record within an export will prevent the export of all other records in that export. A subsequent export after resolving all mapping issues will re-attempt all records for that failed export.
Field Task Field Descriptions
From* This required field indicates the starting date of the Roster build or the first day of the target period.
Through* This required field indicates the ending date of the Roster build or the last day of the target period.
  NOTE: The date can be defined as either a constant date, such as 3/25/2014 or as a Dynamic Date, such as TODAY-1day. A separate file will be sent for each day within a date range.
Payroll Information Only Select to export roster records for personnel who have a payroll ID defined in this application, and Roster work codes associated with a payroll code in Setup.
Include Request Records Select to include work code requests from the Roster for the target date or period.
Wait for Shift Start Select to send roster records until the target shift(s) selected in Shifts have started.
  • Positive values represent minutes AFTER the shift start; for example, type 60 to indicate 60 minutes AFTER the shift starts.
  • Negative values represent minutes BEFORE the shift start; for example, type -60 to indicate 60 minutes BEFORE the start of the shift.
  • A zero value indicates ‘at shift start time”.
  • If the property is left blank, the property is ignored; the task will not wait for the shift(s) start.

See example below.

  Example: This setting must correlate with the selected shifts in the Shifts table and the schedule you create must be defined so that the task Run contains the desired shift or shifts. For instance, suppose that you have two shifts, Shift 1 starts at 7AM, and Shift 2 starts at 8AM. The task’s schedule is set to run at 6AM daily and 7AM...
  • “Wait for Shift Start” is set to -60 minutes. At 6AM the task will export records for Shift 1 because 7AM minus 1hour is 6AM. At 7AM the task will export records for both Shift 1 and Shift 2, Shift 1 has already started and Shift 2 meets the 7AM shift start because 8AM minus 1 hour is 7AM.
  • “Wait for Shift Start” is set to 60 minutes. At 6AM the task will export zero records, Shift 1 started at 7AM but Wait for Shift Start is set to plus one hour which is 8AM. At 7AM the task will export zero records because Shift 1 starts at 7AM but we said to wait one hour after the shift start which is 8AM.
Include All Shifts Select this setting to include all shift assignments on the Roster for the target date. Recommended setting.
  Example: Suppose that on the target date Shift A is running, and a person assigned to work Shift B is working a special assignment during Shift A’s run, causing a person on Shift B to display on Shift A’s roster day. If this check box is selected the task will export the record for the person assigned to a different shift other than the target shift. If the check box is cleared the task will ignore the record.
Export Working Only Select to only export work code records of type working and regular duty. If this check box is cleared, the task will return working, regular duty, andnon-working type work code records.
Shifts Select the Shifts to be included in the export for the target Roster date. If the check box is cleared the export will include all shifts for the target Roster date. For example, suppose that only Shift A and C were selected, the task runs on a date that Shift B is active, the task will not return Shift B data because Shift B was filtered out. Additionally, suppose that Include All Shifts was selected, this task will return any Shift A or Shift C personnel records working on a Shift B Roster day.
Region Select the regions to include in the export. Clear all or select all check boxes to include all regions.
Institutions Select the institutions to include in the export. Clear all or select all to include all institutions.
Validation Only (No Export) Select this check box to validate and identify cost centers to be sent that do not exist in Workforce Ready (WFR). You must validate cost center mapping before the actual export API call is made to avoid failures.

For example, suppose that Cost Center 3 contains nine job titles in this application and in WFR. A tenth job title is added to this application, but not referenced in WFR. An exported record from this application using the tenth job title and Cost Center 3 reference value will cause an export failure in WFR.

Merge Adjacent Working Periods1 Select to merge adjacent staffing records. Workforce Ready reads two schedules (staffing records) per person for a single 24 hour calendar day. Using this option, consecutive, adjacent, and non-overlapping schedules with the same cost center value are merged into a single schedule (staffing record); allowing more than two staffing records masked as one to be read in Workforce Ready.

See Merge Adjacent Working Periods Technical Details section below for additional information.

Merge Adjacent Working Periods Technical Details

In order to merge staffing records the following must be TRUE:

EXAMPLE 1: Non-overlapping means:
  • record 1 ends at 8 AM
  • record 2 starts at 8 AM -not 7:30 AM
EXAMPLE 2: Adjacent means:
  • record 1 - starts at 8 AM, ends at 10 AM
  • record 2 - starts at 10 AM, ends at 1 PM

EXAMPLE 3: Consecutive means:

EXAMPLE 4: Using the same scenario in Example 3, suppose record 3 is ‘mapped’ non-working time. All mapped work codes are ignored by Workforce Ready.2 Therefore only record 1, record 2, and record 4 are applied in Workforce Ready.Breakdown below:

Suppose record 3 is ‘not mapped.’ Since the non-working work code is not mapped Workforce Ready accepts that staffing record as working time. All records meet the merge criteria and applied in Workforce Ready as a singe schedule. Breakdown below:
  • schedule 1 contains: record 1 + record 2 + record 3 + record 4

Suppose record 3 now starts at 10:30 AM and ends at 12 PM -and ‘not mapped’. Workforce Ready does not accept the schedule for that calendar day because the limit of two schedules per person has been exceeded. Record 3 is not adjacent and fails the merge criteria with record 2 and record 4 and exceeds the limit. Breakdown below:

Suppose record 3 starts at 10:30 AM, but ends at 1 PM -and ‘not mapped’. Workforce Ready accepts the schedule because record 3 is now adjacent to record 4 and meets the merge criteria and within the two schedule limit. Breakdown below:

EXAMPLE 5: Using the same scenario in Example 3, except - record 4 now ends at 1AM the next day. Workforce Ready reads 1 schedule for the same target calendar day which is (06:00 AM - 01:00 AM). Breakdown below:

EXAMPLE 6: Using the same scenario in Example 3, suppose record 4 ends at 9 AM the next day. Shift Merge only happens if the total duration after merge is up to 24 hours. Merging record 4 would mean that the total duration would exceed 24 hours, so record 4 won’t be merged. Workforce Ready will be sent 2 schedules for same target calendar day. Breakdown below:

Merge Adjacent Shifts with Negative Duration

This application uses the Roster date of a staffing record to determine which day of the week the schedule starts. Generally, the calendar and roster date are the same; however in some customer configurations a negative shift is used to display personnel on the roster the next day; and typically desired when personnel works an evening shift for an hour or so and work the majority of their shift the next day and the desire is to display personnel the next day, meaning the Roster date not the Calendar date.

For example, suppose a regular duty staffing record in this application has a negative shift association on 12/31/2019.

The time duration field of the shift in setup reads -21:00, 10.00 which translates to shift starts at 11 PM yesterday, but display the regular duty staffing record on the Roster the next day 1/1/2020.

In Workforce Ready, the start date for this regular duty staffing record is the Calendar Date of 12/31/2019. The Workforce Ready Roster Export to Time Entries task sends Workforce Ready the Calendar Date which means this regular duty staffing record with a negative shift duration that displays on the roster on 1/1/2020 is sent with the date of 12/31/2019.

1 Available as of application version 7.1.1.
2 Import Manager > Integrations > Work Code Export Mapping